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Technically, Wyoming has 2 National Championships in hoops


Well-known member
Take a look at this.
The Wyoming basketball program began in 1904 when a group known as the "Laramie Town Team" challenged a team from the university to a basketball game; Wyoming won that game by a score of 17-5.[1] The team became a powerhouse in the 1930s under coach Willard "Dutch" Witte, who led the 1934 Cowboy team to a 26-3 record. In those days before the NCAA Tournament had begun, college basketball's national champion was determined by a set of poll voters for the Helms Foundation, which selected Wyoming as its national champion. Witte coached a total of nine seasons in Laramie and compiled a 134-51 record.
We put it up in 2004 I think - a year or so after we played @ North Carolina in the NIT (We saw they had their helms foundation banners up) I think it was taken down a few years later when they added another banner - maybe it was the WNIT championship banner that replaced it? I don't recall. They should stick it back up though.
nirv117 said:
We put it up in 2004 I think - a year or so after we played @ North Carolina in the NIT (We saw they had their helms foundation banners up) I think it was taken down a few years later when they added another banner - maybe it was the WNIT championship banner that replaced it? I don't recall. They should stick it back up though.

Absolutely they should. I wouldn't count on it though...
I see no reason they shouldnt. There is plenty of room up there until we win our 40 straight NCAA titles...
they did replace it with wnit banner. Why they dont have both them up is beyond me. Sometimes the university just makes me wanna :brick:

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