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Stream Testing


Well-known member
Right now I'm doing stream testing to see how it's going to work for everyone. If you are around and yyou read this the Wyo vs CSU reply is on MTN I'm going to stream it till the end of the game it's in the 2nd Q right now. Please try to watch it and tell me how the stream is.


TVU Player

I'll continue fine tuning the settings to the best quality I can get. Right now I'm using Expression Encoder from MS it's the easiest to use but might not be using the best video quality. I'll look for some other encoding programs that might give us overall better quality and go from there.

Either way video will be the best quality I can get for game day!
Wyo2dal said:
I'll continue fine tuning the settings to the best quality I can get. Right now I'm using Expression Encoder from MS it's the easiest to use but might not be using the best video quality. I'll look for some other encoding programs that might give us overall better quality and go from there.

Either way video will be the best quality I can get for game day!

:thumb: :thumb:
WYO1016 said:
Neither one is working for me with Chrome. Do I have to use Internet Explorer or Firefox?

Nah I'm reworking the codecs right now and pushing for better quality I'll repost when it's back up and running!

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