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So who would go back to GWG....


Well-known member
when it hits them between the eyes they just lost the majority of their readers/posters? Regardless of how much begging they do for a return audience when the epiphany of their screw up occurs, I will never frequent that place again.

GoWyoGo is officially a cross between hell and Provo, good riddance jackasses.

Sorry for the non-football rant but I'm still pissed. I'll be a little more focused now.

Go Pokes!
Doesn't take too much for me to hold a grudge...especially as I did absolutely nothing wrong. I will say this, before I go and dump $99.95 or more into a message board...ANY message board...there better be a benefit.

That being said, If I had the disposable $$ lying around, I would rather "donate" it to CJC than Rivals anyway...realistically...at least there is VALUE there, and honestly, it supports what we all love...UW & UW Athletics!

I promise this, I have more to offer, and always wanted to anyway...just left a lot up to Aggie, et al. I will make that happen here.

GO POKES! Beat the Brown & Orange Falcons!
I will never go back their even if they paid me too. They should at least had some type of warning.
Now I am off to bigger and better things.

A better question to ask Is.....would we accept Ian or any of the others who though of us as riff raff should any join Wyoming Nation?
Wyokie said:
A better question to ask Is.....would we accept Ian or any of the others who though of us as riff raff should any join Wyoming Nation?
I don't think they'd come over here....they're more than comfortable with the circle jerk they have.
They can have it. I only had about 120 posts over the course of 3 years. Everytime I posted something, somebody had a very stern objection. You could not go on there and post an opinion on Sween, Glenn, or anybody without atleast one person jumping down your throat. Like I said before, there are good posters still there, and they will probably stay, which is fine with me. You had to read through 43 pages of bullshit and bitching to find a decent piece of information. It is Ian's little slice of the www and if wants to run it like a communist, then let him. I honestly doubt me leaving will have much of an impact on the board, but soon people will tire of the garbage and start trickling out. I guess that is what I get for not knowing the secret hand shake... :lol:
wyoforlife said:
They can have it. I only had about 120 posts over the course of 3 years. Everytime I posted something, somebody had a very stern objection. You could not go on there and post an opinion on Sween, Glenn, or anybody without atleast one person jumping down your throat. Like I said before, there are good posters still there, and they will probably stay, which is fine with me. You had to read through 43 pages of bullshit and bitching to find a decent piece of information. It is Ian's little slice of the www and if wants to run it like a communist, then let him. I honestly doubt me leaving will have much of an impact on the board, but soon people will tire of the garbage and start trickling out. I guess that is what I get for not knowing the secret hand shake... :lol:

I thought about that a bit when I posted the Joe Glenn football knowledge post on here. If I would have posted that on gowyogo They would have gone crazy. Here it was an intelligent discussion.
That is exactly right. We weren't ripping on Joe Glenn the person, we were discussing Joe Glenn the coach. Over there it all became so personal that alot of those posters couldn't read anything objectively or realistically. That thread would have made us "bad fans" over there. Very happy to be here. There's only about 4 posters left over there that I would like to hear what they have to say. They will get here eventually. Oh and watch out, the Gestapo led by wyopoke is trolling over here and letting the elitist shitheads over there know all of the bad things we are saying over here.
brocksamson said:
Oh and watch out, the Gestapo led by wyopoke is trolling over here and letting the elitist shitheads over there know all of the bad things we are saying over here.

Let them troll......they were the ones who screwed up, not us!
We have trolls??!!! Gentlemen (and ladies) we have made it to the big time!!!!

No way in hell i will ever go back to GWG..................

Pokes 17 BGSU 6
Wyokie said:
A better question to ask Is.....would we accept Ian or any of the others who though of us as riff raff should any join Wyoming Nation?

I say let them come...

There are some decent posters over there that respect opinions outside of the brown-and-gold glasses view. I think that we should respect all opinions and tell those that are blatantly wrong to continue their tug-fest on their own time...

Just like any other sports board on the internets....ignore the trolls and they lose all their power.....
Fortunately, none of the trolls lurking have posted....yet. But, they will.....eventually. :roll:
With more traffic = more trolls. Happens in every forum. I'm sure we will get some of that crap here but overall I think this will be a much better place than GWG. Glad I found it.
Cornpoke said:
With more traffic = more trolls. Happens in every forum. I'm sure we will get some of that crap here but overall I think this will be a much better place than GWG. Glad I found it.

We're glad you found us. :D
brocksamson said:
Oh and watch out, the Gestapo led by wyopoke is trolling over here and letting the elitist shitheads over there know all of the bad things we are saying over here.

Must be bad if all they have to talk about is how shitty their site has become, and why all the riff raff has come over here.
wyoforlife said:
brocksamson said:
Oh and watch out, the Gestapo led by wyopoke is trolling over here and letting the elitist shitheads over there know all of the bad things we are saying over here.

Must be bad if all they have to talk about is how shitty their site has become, and why all the riff raff has come over here.


They have only themselves to blame.
"There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear"

Many of the same faces but this board seems to have a much more comfortable feel. Very inviting as opposed to the oppression and intimidation of that other thing. Maybe it's the freshness and excitement of a new place, kind of like moving to a new town with a new job. Kind of like when I first moved to Laramie.

Maybe it will stay like this, maybe it won't. It's cool now though. And the Pokes are gonna whup ass on some Falcon meat.

Rock On Pokes!
GetRealMan said:
"There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear

Many of the same faces but this board seems to have a much more comfortable feel. Very inviting as opposed to the oppression and intimidation of that other thing. Maybe it's the freshness and excitement of a new place, kind of like moving to a new town with a new job. Kind of like when I first moved to Laramie.

Maybe it will stay like this, maybe it won't. It's cool now though. And the Poke are gonna whup ass on some Falcon meat.

Rock On Pokes!

I think this site will last a long time. :D

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