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Should we down it 3 times and punt?


Well-known member
serious? we have -18 yards of offense and our offense has scored most of byu's points. (safety and subsequent punt, and punt that hit our guy in the back).

Luckily Byu's offense has scored ALL 10 of Wyoming's points to make it a game. Why not just kneel on the ball and punt? This would atleast run the clock out faster!

We are a complete laughingstock of anything resembling a high school football team. :rofl:
seriously, the defense gets you the ball at the opponents 20, and you lose yards, and kick a field goal? We already know the running game is weak, but for f**k's sake, call some plays that might actually give you a chance to win. Wyoming'soffense is set up and run to get negative yards at this point, and it's just painful. If it's Arroyo or DC, or whoever is calling the plays is turrible.