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Should have let the fans on the field


Well-known member
I know since CDC was hired we can no longer go onto the field after the game but they should have made an exception for today's game. Those seniors deserved a pat on the back and the students wanted to go down there and celebrate with them but our nazi security would not allow it. Wyoming fans and players needed to be able to congratulate each other on finishing out a disappointing season on such a high note.
Event staff for all games has been total shit for the last few years. They ruin the experience for many
My son asked for about 20 minutes straight after the teams left the field, they kept telling him the CSU staff had to get their equipment/boxes off the field first. We finally gave up and left. Not sure if it is a cop out, but I finally told my son "we are waiting for CSU to get their stuff off the field, they move slow and they think slow, lets go" It was easier to blame CSU than UW. Son was excited DC gave him five going onto the field today.
TwoTone said:
Event staff for all games has been total s##t for the last few years. They ruin the experience for many
I remember when they first switched to that company. They really do suck.

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