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Shame on the Poke Contingent!!

I was there. Everyone was wearing red, including NM, Utah and UNLV fans. And, all the seats in the T&M are red. Not to mention, everyone wearing red, regardless of affiliation were cheering against us.

All that said though, we were outnumbered for sure.
TheBuckhole said:
I was there. Everyone was wearing red, including NM, Utah and UNLV fans. And, all the seats in the T&M are red. Not to mention, everyone wearing red, regardless of affiliation were cheering against us.

All that said though, we were outnumbered for sure.

I was there as well, and sure there were 'Tard fans and UNLV fans around, but not to the extent of the NM fans. I could tell this, as they has "Lobos" or "New Mexico" printed on their hats & shirts. And they were, for the mostpart, acting like complete assholes.

Again, I know this first hand.
I thought the poke crowd was pretty good. I flew in for the utah game and the flight from ft.c. was loaded with poke fans. With the economy the way it is, if you didn't plan to go in advance, it was a very costly trip. My rental car alone was about triple what I normally pay. I think the higher seeds had more fans because they had higher expectations. Maybe when we get a higher seed, we'll bring more fans at the get go.