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SDSU's Fisher reprimanded by MWC


Staff member
In the MWC coaches teleconference this morning SDSU's Fisher spoke out against the firing of Schroyer and said that UW made a bad decision. MWC reprimanded him. BYU and Deseret sports guys then took to Twitter to say how shitty Laramie is. Keep it classy Utah!
MrTitleist said:
Utards with a Twitter!
The Harmon guy must have a hard on for Jimmer Freddette. 9/10 of his tweets are about the guy.

Some more BYU haters.. poor bastards.. don't even know what life is like outside of Utah.
More like "Vajayjay Drew". God I hate BYU down to the core. I have yet to meet a Cougar fan with any class. Somebody enlighten me. Are they all pricks? Is it some initiation they have to go through in order to qualify as a BYU fan?
wyopokes2 said:
More like "Vajayjay Drew". God I hate BYU down to the core. I have yet to meet a Cougar fan with any class. Somebody enlighten me. Are they all pricks? Is it some initiation they have to go through in order to qualify as a BYU fan?
Jack Bauer on the MWC Board is alright. A few others are decent. The rest though, well, the tweets more or less speak for how they are.
marcuswyo said:
who let Mormons get twitter?

Isn't twitter a sin?

yes, yes it is...and as soon as they realize that they will come up with their own version "britter" and then begin explaining to everyone that it is somehow superior to twitter because "we already have access to it on our browser" and "we just built a state of the art server to run this website that would make all other social networking sites jealous" while in reality it will just be a carbon copy of twitter except it will sensor any foul language and discussion about magnets

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