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Schedule strength?


Well-known member
You hear the arguement everytime the BSBCS gets brought up and it had never settled well with me

My problem with the BCS computers is that they give ALL bcs aq schools more credit that non aq schools

ie. Beating Wash St. is worth more than beating CSU...and we would all argue that Wash St. blows

of course we would argue that because being in tcu's conference (for now) we would have something to gain from them going to the Nat. Champ game....so in order remove the bias caused by my vested interest I went to whatifsports.com and ran game simulations between MWC schools and their respective finishers in the PAC.

first i removed USC for three reasons in this order
i needed to pit 9 schools against 9 schools so one had to go
i didn't want to take the top or bottom finisher b/c that would slant the results
since USC can't play for a Championship, they were the easiest choice

then i ran the simulations
i used neutral playing fields so the simulator wouldn't give home field advantage to either team
i put each team against their respective finishers in the opposite conference

note: i had to use the 2009 rosters for these because the 2010 rosters won't be available until after the bowl season

the results

Oregon 20.........TCU 33

Stanford 3........Utah 27

Washington 27...SDSU 40

Oregon St. 33....Air Force 16

Arizona 23........BYU 25

Arizona St. 28....CSU 24

Cal 66.............UNLV 38

UCLA 37...........New Mex 36

Wash St. 10......Wyoming 31

TBH i didn't expect the MWC to win more than three of these games...instead they won the majority of them

albeit some were pretty close games but that just pounds the point home harder, imho

weaker schedule my butt
MrTitleist said:
IMO: AFA would beat OSU, UCLA would blow out UNM.

if i really had the time i would have run each game like 100 times an dtaken the average scores...and things might've turned out different. i'll try again when the 2010 rosters are added we might get a more accurate representation

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