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Questions about Schroyer


Well-known member
I'm no basketball genius, but I've followed Wyo Basketball for quite a while now, and it seems to be that we've taken some major steps backward since Mac left. After the lackluster performance last night, I've got to get some clarification about some things...

1) Wasn't Schroyer the guy that Mac credited with the great defense we saw in 2001-2002? During those years the team had some hustle, could box out, went after the boards, and got back on defense. If that was all due to Schroyer, what the hell has happened? Was this all just Mac talking fluff?

2) I thought Schroyer was a "fundamentals" guy? Based on what I saw last night, he's either forgotten everything he learned, or can't teach it to kids. Either way, fundamental basketball is obviously a thing of the past at Wyo - at least for now.

3) What are Heath's assistants doing? During the game last night (granted, this is the first one I've watched in person) all I saw them do was sit on the bench and nod at Schroyer occassionaly. Maybe this is where the problem lies? Does Heath need to pull a "Glenn" and fire an assistant or two to keep his job?

4) How in the hell does a guy who studied under the likes of Steve Cleveland - who I think we'll all agree is a good coach, even if he did coach for the Whyners - who goes to Portland State and pulls off an impressive turnaround, come to Wyoming and take us backwards?

5) Does he just need more time? I realize it's early in the conference season, but this team has shown no improvement IMO, which to me means his time is short. Figure it out now and get the ship righted, or hit the road jack. ANd if he does need more time, then ...

6) Why in the hell won't he recruit BASKETBALL PLAYERS?! I'm tired of hearing "oh, he's a great athlete!" Fine, but can he shoot the ball (and make the shot), stay with and box out his man, play help defense, get in position and rebound the ball, and have a good basketball IQ? I'd rather have ten guys who know the game, work hard, and maybe aren't the best "athletes" than ten guys who are "great athletes" who can't score the damn ball and play defense. This is probably my biggest gripe with Schroyer right now.

Sorry for the long post/rant, I'm just a little frustrated after losing the way we did last night. I'd appreciate any thoughts you all have on the situation. I thought Schroyer had the program headed in the right direction, but after what I watched last night, I hope his seat is getting warm.

I think we have the same concerns and questions WellPoke. I don't have the answers and I guess Schroyer doesn't either. I totally agree with your last item about getting players with a high basketball IQ.

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