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QB/Offensive Spring Review


Well-known member
I thought it would be informative to post the Spring stats for the QB's and an overall Offensive observation based on eyewitness accounts and news reports as reported in the Caspar Trib and from Gag's blog from the 2 scrimmages completed. Going into the Spring game this Saturday, it appears like the QB race remains close and a decision on a starter won't be named until the Fall.

1- Brett Smith Pass: Comp 37-49-316 yards 3 TDs 1 INT 76% comp pct. Rush: 12-66 yards

2- Emory Miller Jr. Pass: Comp 26-42-238 yards 0 TDs 3 INT 62% comp. pct. Rush: 21-minus 22 yards 2 TDs

3- Josh Smith Pass: Comp 6-12-28 yards 0 TDs 0 INT 50% comp pct.

Smith-Scrimmage #1 Mostly with 2nd Offense going against 2nd Defense with a few drives with 1st Offense going against 1st Defense. Led five drives for scores, and led team in rushing offense.
Scrimmage #2 Took 50% of reps with 1st Offense but almost exclusively ran reps against the 1st Defense. Had TD pass nullified by a penaltiy, a long TD pass thrown to Mazi Ogbonna after having been flushed from the pocket, definitely a huge play taken away from the offense. Both Tds scored against 1st Defense. INT thrown was a ball that passed through WR's hands and caught by defender behind WR.

Miller-Scrimmage #1 Almost exclusively with the 1st Offense going against the 1st Defense. Scored a rushing TD while going against 2nd Defense. Tough day with many sacks and batted balls. Scrimmage #2 Took other 50% of reps with 1st offense but had most of reps going against 2nd Defense. Had much better day overall throwing for 155 yards but still threw 2 INTs.

Both QB's have had their shining moments but have struggled at times behind a young offensive line. This offensive unit will undoubtedly get better facing one of the more experienced defenses on a daily basis. AA has been out most of the Spring but NKankolongo and BMiller have been solid in his absence. The WR's have been solid catching most balls. Herron has been very dependable catching the ball as has others. CJ Morgan, Sam Stratton, and DeJay Lester have been pleasant surprises, whereas Chris McNeil, Mazi, and Martinez have not caught a lot of balls.
I like that Smith hasn't had any turnovers purely from bad decisions (like you pointed out his int was off his recievers hands). I believe the competion for qb will be decided when Pittser arrives in the fall. Miller will probably be moved to WR, but will remain on the depth chart for QB(kind of like what Coach C. did with Brad Smith at Mizzou).
Hopefully Fleishman is healthy by fall and takes a spot on the o-line. How can our o-line be so shitty every year? Kirven and Hutchins should be better since they are seniors and have had plenty of playing time. Maybe we will get lucky and some of the incoming freshman will be able to play. They probably couldn't do much worse than what we got out of our line last year (and the seven years before that).
The stats are fun to look at.. It's too bad that Pittser wasn't here for spring ball, I think that could give Smith a leg up on him for the starting job. If Pittser is as good as his hype, Miller may end up the #3 guy. Assuming one of the true freshman isn't redshirted.
We also have the JC transfer, Zach Rushing coming in this summer. His highlight tape looked good, so hopefully he can win a job.

You would think with all but one starter returning, another year of experience, and some new guys pushing for playing time, we would be a better unit. I think we will eventually be a decent OL this year, but it is going to take some time.

The defense is looking solid though. Deep at every position.

Go Pokes!
Per Gagliardi Twitter as of 30 minutes ago OC Brandon states O beat the D today in last padded practice prior to Spring game. Also stated QB Miller is still #1, but Smith is a close 2nd. Regardless, I like our prospects with our current QB's and Pittser in the Fall. I believe we will be better with these guys and Brandon calling the shots than with #5 (He that shan't be named) and old OC Arroyo. RS frosh Miller completing 62% and true frosh Smith completing an amazing 76% tells me they are placing the ball where it needs to be and receivers are making the catches. If that can be sustained the Pokes can compete with anyone with those percentages.
Wyoirish said:
Per Gagliardi Twitter as of 30 minutes ago OC Brandon states O beat the D today in last padded practice prior to Spring game. Also stated QB Miller is still #1, but Smith is a close 2nd. Regardless, I like our prospects with our current QB's and Pittser in the Fall. I believe we will be better with these guys and Brandon calling the shots than with #5 (He that shan't be named) and old OC Arroyo. RS frosh Miller completing 62% and true frosh Smith completing an amazing 76% tells me they are placing the ball where it needs to be and receivers are making the catches. If that can be sustained the Pokes can compete with anyone with those percentages.
Just need the O-line to gel before I can be really confident in the offense.
Could it be that they wont make Smith #1 because they think there is a high chance that Pittser will be the starter and they dont want Smith's confidence to be shook. Because by the numbers Smith is killing Miller!
gopokes1399 said:
Could it be that they wont make Smith #1 because they think there is a high chance that Pittser will be the starter and they dont want Smith's confidence to be shook. Because by the numbers Smith is killing Miller!

It's fairly clear from watching the scrimmages that Smith is a better QB than Miller Jr is. Ultimately, I expect Miller Jr. to fall to #3 on the depth chart come fall. I'm confident after seeing Smith this spring that Pittser has the better physical tools. Will that be enough to propel him over Smith by opening weekend? I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised to see the two true freshman splitting time in the first few games, with the one who plays better slowly taking over the majority of the snaps.

I don't expect either Smith or Pittser to be redshirted this year. DC will likely play 12-15 true freshman this year, and I think both QB's are going to be too good to keep either one off the field...especially early in the season.
Smith's stats are inflated because most of his damage was done against the #2 defense. His numbers vs the #1 defense are very similar to Millers.

I will be interested in seeing how they do in the final scrimmage.
Fullback41 said:
Smith's stats are inflated because most of his damage was done against the #2 defense. His numbers vs the #1 defense are very similar to Millers.

That was true for the first scrimmage, but almost the exact opposite in the 2nd scrimmage. In fact, I'm not sure if Smith had a single series against anyone besides the #1 defense in that 2nd scrimmage. I'm not sure how each has performed in practice, but Smith was clearly the better QB in both scrimmages if you got a chance to see them live.

gopokes1399 said:
With us nothing is a warm up

Very true. I think we can handle Weber State, but I'm a little concerned about Texas State. That team has some legitimate talent on it that is going to give our Pokes everything they can handle.
I think we will beat both Texas state and Weber without any problem (as we should) even though we barely beat S. Utah and texas st killed them last year. I agree that Texas state has some talent (probably similar to our talent level) but we have improved depth this year, and that is a big advantage. How many scholarship players did we have playing last year? Wasn't it about the same number as a D1AA team?

Improved depth and OC Brandon are huge improvements for this team. Fall ball should be pretty exciting because of the QB competion, and I hope/pray the O-line problems get worked.
Honestly, I think you guys are greatly overstating Texas State's talent level.. I saw them here a couple years ago and Montana ran them up and down the field.. they've not been a playoff team since then, so I'll let you draw your own conclusions. That's not to say they won't be tough, as they're a transitioning FBS team, so they may get some better talent, but just sayin'..
MrTitleist said:
Honestly, I think you guys are greatly overstating Texas State's talent level.. I saw them here a couple years ago and Montana ran them up and down the field.. they've not been a playoff team since then, so I'll let you draw your own conclusions. That's not to say they won't be tough, as they're a transitioning FBS team, so they may get some better talent, but just sayin'..

and considering that Weber State beat Um last year, I'd be more concerned about the Wildcats.

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