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So, what do you think is going to happen tomorrow? Game strategy, performance, outcome. I think Glenn got his back to the wall, and not a lot of weapons to fight with. He knows the run game is working, and he knows the passing game is a disaster. Unfortunately, everyone else knows it too. Nonetheless, I see Demo and Seldon doing pretty much the same as we've seen. Probably a couple of passes down field, but no more than that. The kicking game is a dog-gone disaster, an with the potential for wind, we'll probably see some gambles on 4th down (and I dont think thats going to help us much). I think we'll see good effort by the Pokes, for a lot of reasons; but the Rams have a lot to play for as well. Defensivlely I think the Pokes can really limit Gartrell. But CSU's play action could really do some damage if our secondary makes ANY mistakes. Bottom line, I think the Pokes need to get some good kick returns to help the offense; limit the penalties, and have NO turnovers. I think it really a toss-up, but ...what the hell Pokes 17, sheep 14.
Pokes 14-12. On third and long Chris is given the green light to throw hail mary's as we can't punt further than he can throw anyway, so a pick really doesn't hurt us on 3rd down. We connect on enough to score a couple TDs and hold them to 4 FGs. Like Ohio, CSU is too far away to attempt FG and hail mary gets knocked away, comes down to last second.
Thats actually a good point about the 3rd and long play. Might as well throw it deep. But I'm guessing that Cole will think "well, they'll EXPECT us to throw deep here and so they'll never expect a draw play to Demo." And there you go.....fourth and long. Time for a 20 yard punt.
Second half vs UNLV looked like the rebels baited us into running on 3rd and short. 1st down = 5 yrds, 2nd down = 4yrds. 3rd and 1, stuffed for no gain, punt. Where were the short passes like the beginning of the game? Great time for a play-action deep ball, before we are deperate. Nothing to lose guys, go long on all 3rd down plays.

I remember a game about 20 yrs ago on ESPN where one of the teams ran a trick play just about every series. They had punters walking to the sideline yelling they needed a chinstrap, etc, while the snap went to someone else. That was fun to watch. I don't think we need to make it a circus, but we have no reason to leave any tricks up our sleeves. Let's just win the game, trickery or not.
I agree, let it all hang out. Might as well do some onside kicks too. If it fails..oh well, they probably would have run it back that far anyway.
Off the subject, but how sickening is it that UW hired Vic Koennig as HC the same time Texas Tech hired Mike Leach - OUCH.
CSU really needs this win. So against a weak Poke team they will be pretty conservative. On the other hand a Wyoming 5-7 team is just not that much better than a 4-8 team, especially since Glenn will probably be gone afterwars anyway, so go all out with goofy, risky plays that have a high chance of failure, but real rewards if they make it.

But what if Glenn still has a chance because a buy-out is too expensive? They might "arrange" a car wreck to get rid of him. What if Glenn knows this and figures if he wins he stays by the skin of his teeth? So what will this do to the outcome? I have absolutely no frigging idea.
Realistic Prediction: CSU has one of the worst run defenses in the country (#88) and we have one of the best run producing offenses(#34). DMo becomes the #1 rushing back in Wyo history this week with 150+ yds. Wynel adds another 80yds and Stutz throws for 200+ with 1td and 1pick. Defense comes up with 2 turnovers that end up winning the game for the Pokes and sends Joe out with a fairwell win....

Pokes 20 Lammie 10
Well like i said in previous posts In a straight "matchup" we don't beat CSU but that's why we play the game and anything can happen but:

CSU- 31
WYO- 10
Cornpoke said:
Well like i said in previous posts In a straight "matchup" we don't beat CSU but that's why we play the game and anything can happen but:

CSU- 31
WYO- 10

Well we did better than I expected. I got CSU right with 31 but I'm impressed we scored as much as we did.
Tashaun allows his man to get free THREE times for scores? Without subbing him out after the second one? That alone should be reason for booting Glenn out - no ability to adjust to the game situation - a flaw in Glenn's operation all year.
one-smooth-poke said:
Even though I way have wrong alot more than I have been right, I agree. I think Wyoming comes in with a real game plan.

Wyo: 31
CSU: 10

Dam. I was wrong again! I am glad the season is over! Hopefully we will have some good news today about a new head coach and staff. Gilmore seems like he may be a winner. Lets hope so!
Adv8RU12 said:
Tashaun allows his man to get free THREE times for scores? Without subbing him out after the second one? That alone should be reason for booting Glenn out - no ability to adjust to the game situation - a flaw in Glenn's operation all year.

Not that it matters but Morton beat each Gipson brother once and Rogers for the other one.

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