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Well-known member
Watts... ACS... Fletcher... Tooley who to give it to? I say Tooley he had some huge grabs and kept us going in clutch spots but wow
We know ACS and Fletcher are gamers and have continually proved such. Tooley showed so much...but considering the circumstances...

I am giving it to true freshman walk-on kicker Ian Watts!
Has to be ACS. Seeing him screaming at the defense to get him the ball back in the 4th quarter, then going out and executing with the season on the line, hands down.

Prosinski let a lot of big plays through. He shouldn't even be on the ballot. Defense played pretty poorly last night, aside from a couple plays. Stopping them on 3rd and short to force the blocked FG was big, but we couldn't really stop them for most of the night.

SDSU played well enough offensively to win.
My vote goes to the O-line, they played well, fewer penalties and less sacks given up. That is the biggest difference I see between this game and the last 3 games.

In DC's postgame interview he just looks giddy, which is a side I haven't seen yet this year. I am so happy for the Seniors on this team that they have a good shot at a bowl game. We still need one more but Fletcher, Unrein, Russ Arnold, Wes J, Neuhaus, Bolling, Sween, etc. should keep the team focused the last 2 weeks. A bowl game would be a great send off for those guys, and the extra practices would be great for development of our younger players for next year. Awesome, Awesome win, but the job isn't done yet, need to get one more. Let's not fart around and just go out and beat TCU.
How about Alvester and Watts. Two new players who came through. I can't remember the last time we had a kicker come through in the clutch. Wallum, maybe?
Kougar78 said:
How about Alvester and Watts. Two new players who came through. I can't remember the last time we had a kicker come through in the clutch. Wallum, maybe?

Alvester fought through that fumble, but the fumble still disqualifies him from POTW in my book. Horrible turnover.
I'll agree on Watts though, hell of a kick and I can't count how many times our kickers have let us down with missed FG's and XP's.

Fullback makes a good point on the O-Line. They deserve a lot of props too. Not 1 false start and much better protection.
Cornpoke said:
The kicker of course :)

Agree...lots of good plays to get UW the opportunity to win, but the kicker (Watts) won it. POTW in my opinion, no doubt.

And let's not talk about #24...sure he is great stopping the run (most of the time) but his pass coverage is like swiss cheese...there are holes everywhere.
Tough one for me, but Tooley has my vote. His first catch of the year vs. Texas was right in front of my seats, and he bobbled it so badly I thought he was going to drop it for sure. Fast forward a few months and he is looking very sure handed. Clutch performance from him!

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