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Post TCU margin repost

Wind River Poke

Well-known member
Vic's last season
36-44 loss at csu
20-24 loss vs sdsu
34-36 win vs #19 afa
48-49 loss at unlv
35-31 loss at byu
18-23 loss vs utah
49-20 loss at unm

The ENTIRE conference season we lost by a combined 51 points. Take away the debacle at UNM and it was 22.
Through 5 conference games that margin is currently 171 points. We are losing conference games by an average 34+ points. UNLV nearly beat the cougs in Provo, CSU nearly got TCU in Ft. Collins, yet we aren't even in any of the games.
Poke fans....there is a brown and gold blood trail at my house that is slowly wearing me down. I just hope to hell we can beat SDSU next weekend. I think it's our only chance at another victory this season.

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