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Pokes Get One on Preseason All-Conference Team


Well-known member
John Fletcher was the Pokes only selection to the preseason all-conference team. I take that with a grain of salt. Only 2 underclassmen, both juniors, were selected outside of special teams. The rest were seniors. I think Chris Prosinski has a very good shot at garnering 1st team honors at the end of the season. If he is a senior, he probably makes the preseason team. I also think we have several other underclassmen who have a shot at getting all-conference honors depending on how the Pokes do as a team. They include Gabe Knapton, Tashaun Gipson, and Darius Terry.

Of course individual honors don't matter nearly as much as team accomplishments do. We all saw that last year with Devin Moore. That being said, the better the team performs, the more individual honors will be gathered at the end of the season.
TheRealUW said:
That being said, the better the team performs, the more individual honors will be gathered at the end of the season.

You got that right. We win minimum 6 or 7 games, we will be all over the newspaper with 1st, 2nd, and HM team selections.