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Please, Please, Please


Well-known member
As unpopular as it is, will the maker of the "Fire Joe Glenn" website please, please, please start it back up. I know it was "unpopular" on the old timer board GWG, but, it needs to go back up. After the last 2 weeks of humiliation it needs to go back up. I could give a rats *ss if it is made by someone withholding thier name.
one-smooth-poke said:
As unpopular as it is, will the maker of the "Fire Joe Glenn" website please, please, please start it back up. I know it was "unpopular" on the old timer board GWG, but, it needs to go back up. After the last 2 weeks of humiliation it needs to go back up. I could give a rats *ss if it is made by someone withholding thier name.

I thought it was dumb for the guys at GWG to bitch about that. Who cares if the guy wanted to keep his real name unknown.

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