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Photoshop help


Well-known member
I have been helping another wyonation user with some photoshop projects that are Wyoming Football related. But due to work and some technical issues, I have not been able to help this guy as much as I would like to. I feel really bad, because I feel like I've been putting him on hold a lot, but I have been just overwhelmed right now with work, and have not had the time to put towards it that I need to. So, if anyone with photoshop skills would like to help with this project, it would be very much appreciated. Any questions, just let me know. Thanks!
Cool. Thanks! I'll send a message to wyopoke2 see if he's interested as well. I'm not very familiar with GIMP, but if its pretty much the same thing, I'm all for it, and I'll PM you later this afternoon with the finer details. I'm in DC right now until Tuesday, and all the files I have are back in CA, but I will send all or some to any and all interested in helping when I get back. Thanks again!

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