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Peru State

The Juice

Active member
Anyone know anything about them? I see that South Dakota State plays Purdue in a couple days, that may give us an idea about how good they will truly be this year.
Google Peru State Basketball and go to their athletic site. They have already played a lot of games, and by all indications might give Glenrock or Sinclair a good fight.
I have to agree with Nirv. AFter that opening disaster the Pokes clearly can't take any games for granted. I saw nothing from that first game to take away and make me feel good. If the pokes come out the same as they did against SDSU, they will be 0-2 tomorrow morning.
Peru state being favored was tic...

However, if we play as bad as we did in our first game we could struggle to win. Hopefully we will make some changes in attitude, and play harder. If we do we should win easily. I think as cheypoke suggests we have to come out and play hard no matter the opponent. I think we went into the sdsu game thinking we are better athletes, it will be an easy win. We didn't play as a team. Hopefully the lesson is learned.

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