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Penalty Against Utah


Well-known member
My bad if this has already been mentioned on here, but I haven't seen anything about it yet. Anyways, during our first FG attempt in the 1st quarter, they called Utah for defensive holding. I am almost certain that defensive holding is a 5 yard penalty and an AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN. Instead, they gave us 10 yards and it remained 4th down (and we missed the FG again). Not that it would have made much of a difference, but I'm surprised nobody seems to have noticed it...not even the UW coaching staff.
TheRealUW said:
My bad if this has already been mentioned on here, but I haven't seen anything about it yet. Anyways, during our first FG attempt in the 1st quarter, they called Utah for defensive holding. I am almost certain that defensive holding is a 5 yard penalty and an AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN. Instead, they gave us 10 yards and it remained 4th down (and we missed the FG again). Not that it would have made much of a difference, but I'm surprised nobody seems to have noticed it...not even the UW coaching staff.

I noticed that too, but I was drinking so I figured I was wrong
I thought the same also. But the announcers on the tube said while it was called holding, it was actually an attempt to gain leverage to get high enough to block the kick, or something of the sort. So many rules, so few names for penalties?