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Nice mention in the local paper

Did you see the comment post at the end of the article? Did this idiot not remember last years game? (and read the article above) Man, I hope we win now so I can post to this guy.. No, we don't play the biggest teams this year, but we still have a great D, facts are facts...
Amen to that. It's funny when we get disrespected by BCS teams. But when it's a non BCS school too? That's to much.
Just remember BSU... We punctured your beloved Ian's Lung last year. Must be some pretty hard hitting D.
Kansan Cowboy! said:
Amen to that. It's funny when we get disrespected by BCS teams. But when it's a non BCS school too? That's to much.
Just remember BSU... We punctured your beloved Ian's Lung last year. Must be some pretty hard hitting D.

I know, thanks for agreeing with me. I mean BEFORE last year I am sure that there were MANY teams that thought NOTHING of Boise State. I believe we should have earned Boise's respect last year. I respect their team, and I know after reading the article that the coaches and I am sure the players respect us. Sometimes I wish we could put pads on some of the idiot fans out there and let them lime up a couple downs.. GO WYO... Let 'ER BUCK!!
Kansan Cowboy! said:
Just remember BSU... We punctured your beloved Ian's Lung last year.

Wow, that's really something to be proud of. :roll: Are you by chance a Denver fan? Maybe you'd like to gloat about the Bill's player getting his spine injured.


Don't let one idiot that posts below the Statesman article get to you. Everyone has an opinion, and the internet allows even the stupidest to have a voice. While your team is still building towards where they want to be, holding opponents to 3-26 in 3rd down conversions is something to be proud of. Overall, Wyoming is getting a lot of respect here in Boise. There's no assumption by anyone that BSU will absolutely win this game.

Granted, the 3-26 stat isn't likely to move very much since the D won't be seeing many 3rd downs come around during the game. :D
Did I say I was proud of that. It helped prove my point that we are not a defense of Weaklings. I said afterwards that we were a hard hitting D.
I felt bad for the guy. And yeah I am a Denver Fan, but I don't like injuries. So whatever your trying to prove isn't working.

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