I could care less if I ever see another NFL game again. The league is turning into one big vagina.ILLEGAL HITS
NFL to be more aggressive with suspensions for illegal hits next season. Rules defining defenseless players expanded to eight categories:
• QB in act of throwing
• Receiver trying to catch pass
• Runner in grasp with forward progress stopped
• Player fielding punt or kickoff
• Kicker or punter during kick
• QB after change of possession
• Receiver who receives blind-side block
• Player already on ground
• Competition committee will propose moving kickoff to 35-yard line, and bringing touchback out to 25. No changes for touchbacks on any other plays, with ball coming out to 20.
• No player other than kicker would be allowed to line up more than 5 yards behind ball.
• Outlawing wedge on kickoffs; all blocking wedges were reduced to two players in 2009.
Suitmeup said:I have not followed pro sports since the last NFL strike....I guess Im showing my age.. I really never missed it. I admit I watch a tv game once in a while but I dont go out my way.
....the whole system is broke, thank goodness the ncaa has the BCS
Suitmeup said:....the whole system is broke, thank goodness the ncaa has the BCS