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New Uniforms

Those pants are only for practice I've been told. Still not sure what the new game uniforms look like. I'm guessing the same as last year.
Nike and the university said early in the summer that there would be a uniform redesign for this season. It's a Nike thing, they feel the need to take a perfectly good design and screw it up yearly.
WYO1016 said:
Nike and the university said early in the summer that there would be a uniform redesign for this season. It's a Nike thing, they feel the need to take a perfectly good design and screw it up yearly.

hey, as long as they foot the bill

i don't think this is them...there aren't even nameplates on the back
wyosteelerfan said:
WYO1016 said:
Nike and the university said early in the summer that there would be a uniform redesign for this season. It's a Nike thing, they feel the need to take a perfectly good design and screw it up yearly.

hey, as long as they foot the bill

i don't think this is them...there aren't even nameplates on the back
Those are the practice jerseys. They haven't changed in years (nor should they).
If there are new unis and they are not going to show them before the game, there is a good chance that they are pretty darn ugly!
Maybe they'll put some screen printed pistols on the hips.. kinda like the feathers on the Oregon shoulderpads.
I'd definitely get new helmets. I don't like white helmets very much. And I'd have at least 2 helmet designs.
Alysa said:
I'd definitely get new helmets. I don't like white helmets very much. And I'd have at least 2 helmet designs.


White is tradition at Wyoming. I don't believe we've had a helmet other than white since.... the 70s? I believe it was gold then. There'd be a mutiny if it was diff than white.
Those are the new practice Uni's that nike gave us which were very needed. I'm excited to see the uni's saturday night. I love our helmet and would never change it permanently but maybe a different color one game a year would be cool.
MrTitleist said:
Alysa said:
I'd definitely get new helmets. I don't like white helmets very much. And I'd have at least 2 helmet designs.


White is tradition at Wyoming. I don't believe we've had a helmet other than white since.... the 70s? I believe it was gold then. There'd be a mutiny if it was diff than white.
"How about we break with tradition?"
I'm not always for hanging on to traditons that closely. Just the 70's....
With the uniform ideas I have, white helmet would wreck the look.

Don't worry Mr. T. I'd dress you well. And if you argue with me I'll make you wear the cross dressers git up. :lol:
Alysa said:
MrTitleist said:
Alysa said:
I'd definitely get new helmets. I don't like white helmets very much. And I'd have at least 2 helmet designs.


White is tradition at Wyoming. I don't believe we've had a helmet other than white since.... the 70s? I believe it was gold then. There'd be a mutiny if it was diff than white.
"How about we break with tradition?"
I'm not always for hanging on to traditons that closely. Just the 70's....
With the uniform ideas I have, white helmet would wreck the look.

Don't worry Mr. T. I'd dress you well. And if you argue with me I'll make you wear the cross dressers git up. :lol:

CSU t-shirt and all?
Nike came out with there 2010-11 Nike Pro Combat jerseys... check out Nike.com TCU is a part of the series again as well as BYU

this might be them...away jerseys anyways
wyosteelerfan said:

this might be them...away jerseys anyways
Looks like no changes if that's the case. I'm good with that. Unis looked fine last year.
I agree. Uni's looked great last year. No need to change it. I'd prefer just to keep it simple: brown/gold for home and white/white away.

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