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New polls are out: Wyoming getting votes!


Staff member
The USA Today and AP polls are out for this week.. Wyoming is ranked #37 in the USA Today and #44 in the AP poll. This isn't too surprising since most voters are East of the Mississippi and could really care less about Wyoming. Virginia is ranked #33 and #26. :wtf:
MrTitleist said:
The USA Today and AP polls are out for this week.. Wyoming is ranked #37 in the USA Today and #44 in the AP poll. This isn't too surprising since most voters are East of the Mississippi and could really care less about Wyoming. Virginia is ranked #33 and #26. :wtf:

Well they did beat GT and UNC, oh and don't forget the mighty BLUE DEVILS and MTSU (in a squeaker) This does not shock me, we can only worry about getting W's the rest will come in time. I just hate that I stay up until 1:30 am EST to watch GAMEDAY FINAL and NO mention the entire hour long show about us OR the MWC at ALL!! The only time I see anything about us is on the Bottom Ten list that puts our band uni's on there once in a while.. Oh Well!!
Yeah, the crap they base their voting on is enough to make me want to punch a baby. You have a bunch of 3-2, and next week, probably some 3-3 teams in the top 25, you have teams that have played weak schedules and two losses in the top 25. Texas should be shipped out of the top 25 after two consecutive losses.. bah!
Don't forget about the #39 ranking in the Harris Poll, since it makes up half of the poll average for the BCS rankings.
spindoctor02 said:
Don't forget about the #39 ranking in the Harris Poll, since it makes up half of the poll average for the BCS rankings.

Hey spindoctor.. can you send me the full size picture that is your avatar? I think I may be in it...
spindoctor02 said:
Don't forget about the #39 ranking in the Harris Poll, since it makes up half of the poll average for the BCS rankings.

Hey spindoctor.. can you send me the full size picture that is your avatar? I think I may be in it...
I just found the picture on the internet, and I don't remember where it was. I think I found it by looking through the WYO Athletics site, then finding some pictures from old games. The user profile section won't let me find the direct link for the image. Sorry.

Also, if the picture was any bigger, I'd probably be in it too! Nothing like having 4 home wins in the course of 2 seasons, and tearing the goalposts down for 3 of the 4!!! (Sorry Citadel, you just don't cut it on the excitement level...lol)
spindoctor02 said:
I just found the picture on the internet, and I don't remember where it was. I think I found it by looking through the WYO Athletics site, then finding some pictures from old games. The user profile section won't let me find the direct link for the image. Sorry.

Also, if the picture was any bigger, I'd probably be in it too! Nothing like having 4 home wins in the course of 2 seasons, and tearing the goalposts down for 3 of the 4!!! (Sorry Citadel, you just don't cut it on the excitement level...lol)

I appreciate it, I will look for it.. Thanks..

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