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MWC Fourms Question

It's been down for a couple days. I'm surprised that admins haven't heard complaining, or at least tried to fix the issue by now. But I remember when I PMed the admin of that site to get WyoNation listed on there, he got back to me 6 months later. Looks like a database problem though.
I never make it over to the MWCforums.. I used to, but it became a lot to keep up with between this forum and others I read..
I get it when I try to open the threads. If you look, your date last signed in is all jarbled up too.
The site is back up. they had some trouble upgrading the software. Right now it looks different until they customize it all again, but at least it works.
I've enjoyed shooting the shit with you guys this past week, and of all the MWC boards i've been on. You guys are almost up there with the ute crew on utefans.net.

If you guys get a chance stop over there, it's a good group. Albeit they are a bit touchy right now because of the offseason. There is a guy on there called landpoke, big Wyo fan. Good guy!

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