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more reasons......


Well-known member
....upon further review. It appears that this current staff is ZERO FOR SEVEN on JC transfers.

That's ridiculous to miss that badly........effin ridiculous.

Please....no one tell me that Sage is an upgrade. Please.

jcintherock said:
....upon further review. It appears that this current staff is ZERO FOR SEVEN on JC transfers.

That's ridiculous to miss that badly........effin ridiculous.

Please....no one tell me that Sage is an upgrade. Please.


With redshirts on Sumter & Taufa'asau...I am wondering if DC is planning for the future more than trying to compete this year.
gopokes1399 said:
JC you always post these tough guy posts and then dont ever comment back...

Are you serious???????????????????

What needs to be commented/supported with my statement???????

The 1.8 reception avg per game for the JC transfers.....COMBINED!!!!!

My bad......I didn't realize that was considered "contributing and panning out pretty well so far".

I'll go ahead and lower those expectations to previously red-shirted JC transfers.

As far as Sumter and Tau.....they were decisively beaten out by an undersized true sophomore and a walkon red-shirt freshmen. Both were recruited to play now!!!!!!

I think that we should all be able to assume a certain level of intelligence here huh????. I assume that most guys here have that certain level. Now you my friend.....that's a different story.


