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Mike Leach sues ESPN

Mike Leach needs to let it go. As much as ESPN pisses me off with their lack of coverage of non-BCS teams, they do a good job reporting sports related stories. I remember watching the majority of coverage they had on the Mike Leach-James fiasco and I thought they did a good job of making clear that much of what was being reported were simply allegations and not cold, hard fact. Yeah, they didn't report much about Leach's response to the whole thing early on because he wasn't saying a whole lot regarding the matter. I don't really understand how ESPN is responsible for reporting what allegations a player makes. Do they have the responsibility to check all allegations out and make sure they are true before they report them? I don't think so. Oh wait, someone probably forgot to use the word "allegedly" or "according to James..." one time and now Mike Leach wants millions of dollars. Give me a fucking break. Personally, I hope Leach loses on all accounts and loses money in the process.
I like Mike Leach but ESPN should win this hands down, it is almost impossible to prove slander in court. I think Mike is just looking for a quick payday, if he needs money that bad I am sure ESPN will hire him... :rofl:
I think ESPN should be sued for actually airing retards like Mark May and Craig James saying stupid shit, like only AQ conference teams should play in the Title game.
Fullback41 said:
I think ESPN should be sued for actually airing retards like Mark May and Craig James saying stupid s##t, like only AQ conference teams should play in the Title game.

Can I get a Amen brotha?
Fullback41 said:
I think ESPN should be sued for actually airing retards like Mark May and Craig James saying stupid s##t, like only AQ conference teams should play in the Title game.

Amen to that!!!
The fact that they say ONLY AQ teams should play in a title game would mean that they agree that the BCS is in violation of Anti-trust. Automatic births to BCS bowls is a little different but still should be Anti-trust. I think the BCS says that anyone can play in a title game but they sure do make it hard.