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Mark Branch's contract extended


Staff member
Read on Twitter a few minutes ago that Mark Branch got a one year extension on his contract. Definitely deserving. Wrestling team is moving leaps and bounds with him in charge.
OrediggerPoke said:
Absolutely deserved extension!
I'll say. A shared conference title last year, an out right title this year, what next, sending half the team to the NCAA next year and ranked in the top 20?
fromolwyoming said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Absolutely deserved extension!
I'll say. A shared conference title last year, an out right title this year, what next, sending half the team to the NCAA next year and ranked in the top 20?

I agree he is a solid coach, and doing a terrific job. Talk about having a real short runway though.

Outside of the major revenue sports...Football, Men's Hoops, and Women's Hoops (since Legerski, and maybe some with Margie), I have a hard time getting all pumped up though. Honestly...if the women's golf team (OR insert any low / non revenue sport) finished 1st in the MWC, and a tree fell in the forrest at the same time, would anyone hear it or care? :cool:
McPeachy said:
fromolwyoming said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Absolutely deserved extension!
I'll say. A shared conference title last year, an out right title this year, what next, sending half the team to the NCAA next year and ranked in the top 20?

I agree he is a solid coach, and doing a terrific job. Talk about having a real short runway though.

Outside of the major revenue sports...Football, Men's Hoops, and Women's Hoops (since Legerski, and maybe some with Margie), I have a hard time getting all pumped up though. Honestly...if the women's golf team (OR insert any low / non revenue sport) finished 1st in the MWC, and a tree fell in the forrest at the same time, would anyone hear it or care? :cool:
I suppose. But I guess it has more to do with the individual fan. Personally, I did a little wrestling back in high school, but I ended up having to have knee surgery which took me out for the rest of the season, and in my karate class, 2 of the instructors were also wrestlers in high school.
fromolwyoming said:
I suppose. But I guess it has more to do with the individual fan. Personally, I did a little wrestling back in high school, but I ended up having to have knee surgery which took me out for the rest of the season, and in my karate class, 2 of the instructors were also wrestlers in high school.

Absolutely. I am a huge fan of UW Baseball (club sport) and UW Hockey (club sport) and UW Rugby (club sport), and loved when UW had downhill skiing and competed for national titles back in the 80's.

But, as a true UW fan, I would hate to see our fanbase give a free pass to an athletic department that hung their hat on a non-revenue (or very low revenue) sport. That, to me, is the definition of apathy and the fastest road to going out of business.

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