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Logo Question


Well-known member
Just got back from a family vacation in Steamboat Springs, and have to ask a question. Does anyone know if Steamboat Springs has acquired the rights to use the official "horse and rider" logo that adorns nearly everything Wyoming? We saw it in several places while there - on apparel, store ads, town ads, rodeo, etc. - and some were the identical logo. Some of course were slight variations on the theme, which I'm sure is legal. But the ones that were identical made me wonder if UW is aware of that and has pursued any kind of action. Steamboat's been around a while, and they may have just as much claim to it as UW does, but I thought our legal team fought a pretty extensive battle a while back to protect that logo.

Anyway, a bit off topic for these dog days of summer, but I thought I'd see what anyone knew. If I can find pictures, I'll post them.

You know, I was downtown the other night at dinner and the Montana Cattle Co was using that same logo, and I actually wondered the exact same thing you are. Hard telling if the UW legal dept knows about it, or if they care, but if it's trademarked (as I'm positive it is), then I would think the State of Wyoming (who actually owns the logo) would have some cause for legal action, or at the very least, should be reaping a monetary benefit from this.
Willie said:
All it takes is the smallest detail change to make suing someone impossible.

I wasn't really advocating suing those involved, just wondered what the situation was. I remember there being a big stink about a school in Michigan and a rodeo in Texas (I think) using the same logo a while back, and was surprised to see it being used so prominently at a popular resort town relatively close to Laramie. Maybe it's already been handled, just thought I'd see what we knew.
Did it look exactly like ours? I've seen a few different ones rolling around, even on the back of pickups. Sometimes they are missing the reigns and other times the outline is more fluid looking, sort of like when UW added some of the new bucking bronc drawings to tshirts and hats.
laxwyo said:
Did it look exactly like ours?

Many didn't, and as I stated, were variations on the "horse and rider" theme. Some, though, seemed to be exactly the same. Granted, I wasn't looking closely enough to notice the reins, the exact angle of the tail, etc. But it was similar enough for us to notice!


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