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Let's talk Heath & The Extension


Well-known member
So...how many years was it, and when did it go in place? After the CBI, right? 2008-2009?

Either way, should Burman be held responsible for pissing that extension cash away (let alone all the lost revenue to the athletic department from having such a poor "product)? If he was a business executive that made a similar decision...he would be shitcanned immediately. Thoughts?
Most of the time shit rolls downhill, but this is an exception and I think it rolls uphill bigtime in regards to the Wyoming basketball program and Wyoming Athletics in general (minus the wrestling & Cowgirl bb). Changes need to be made and I'm not just talking about coaches.
The idea that Burman will be held accountable for the failure of the basketball program assumes that Buchanan is engaged and that he actually cares. Given his comments on TCU leaving the MWC, in which he basically said the conference was as strong as it's ever been, it's difficult to believe he gets it.
I know Burman has talked about being competitive, but it doesn't seem like anyone cares that the AA or "dome of gloom" is going to be nearly empty every night the men play this year. The product on the floor is about as organized as a pick up game. Maybe they think the boosters will continue to pony up based on our stellar football program. I'm starting to think we have the same "who gives a s..t" attitude as csewe.

We probably could have had Tad Boyle, who would be light years ahead of hs.

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