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Last night at the presser...


Well-known member
When Burman was introduced by Mr. Oldfatbaldguy, did it seem that he (Tom) tripped all over his dick on many occasions when speaking? I had always thought he was well spoken, and served well as the face of UW athletics, but last night, it was like his wife was under the podium or something.

McPeachy said:
When Burman was introduced by Mr. Oldfatbaldguy, did it seem that he (Tom) tripped all over his dick on many occasions when speaking? I had always thought he was well spoken, and served well as the face of UW athletics, but last night, it was like his wife was under the podium or something.

Wasn't his wife, it was Schroyer posing as her in a last ditch effort to get his job back.

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