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Kentucky boots Gillispie after 2 seasons...


Well-known member
Standards must be pretty high in Kentucky...at least in men's hoops.

Yeah what da heck are they thinking? Coaches are supposed to get at least a 5 year honeymoon..

1 year while all the blame is placed on the previous staff
2 years to make sure that there are no players left from the preious regime that are sabotaging the progress
1 year to install their new system
1 year for the players ti understand the new system and mature from youth or inexperience
1 year to reach the final 4.

If they haven't turned the program into a premiere one by then it is time to start thinking of a change..

Also at Virginia Dave Leitao was canned one year after sharing the ACC conference title. And will receive a 2 million dollar buyout.
MrTitleist said:
Hmm.. no work and a 2 million dollar buy out. A guy could do worse!

The school is claiming the buyout is only 2 million. Gillespie is claiming it is 6 million. Since there is no written contract (not signed) the lawyers will argue over the letter of understanding and what the implied contract really is.So, it will probably be settled in like the 4 million range. Considering it will cost 4 million for a new coach, this is about an 8 million dollar move. They are just on a different economic scale than us.

Maybe they should consider Tubby Smith since he has turned around Minnesota's program. Actually they should have never fired Tubby Smith.
PL_Julian said:
Yeah what da heck are they thinking? Coaches are supposed to get at least a 5 year honeymoon..

1 year while all the blame is placed on the previous staff
2 years to make sure that there are no players left from the preious regime that are sabotaging the progress
1 year to install their new system
1 year for the players ti understand the new system and mature from youth or inexperience
1 year to reach the final 4.

If they haven't turned the program into a premiere one by then it is time to start thinking of a change..

Also at Virginia Dave Leitao was canned one year after sharing the ACC conference title. And will receive a 2 million dollar buyout.

Ding Ding Ding...we have a winner! Somebody sees the light. Thanks PL. By the way, for the rest of you UW hoops fans...why don't WE (UW) have the same standards?
It wasn't just his record. He was job shopping last summer. He didn't like it there and all the outside responsibilities that being UK bb coach involved. The guy can coach. He turned around utep and A & M. He will be a good hire for somebody.

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