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Just got back from SD


Well-known member
Holy Cow. What a performance.
My observations: I thought the offense actually was halfway decent for most of the game. We were moving the ball on them but never could finish a drive. It seems as if we have incorporated a more power running game into the spread. Genho was probably in on 70% of the offensive snaps, and he is a great blocker, was a good fullback in the old offense. We stuck to the run game and in the end it paid off for us.

Obviously this game had the makings of being one of those blowout losses so typical of the previous years, good effort followed by a back-breaking turnover that we can't recover from.

In the 4trh quarter i saw a Wyoming team that I have not seen in a long time. I'm not sure if you guys could see it on TV or on the radio, but ACS was running up and down the sideline screaming at the defense to get him the ball back after every score. It was leadership like I have never seen. The heart and emotion these guys displayed is just indescribable.

There was a good sized Wyoming crowd at the game,( probably 1,000) and this game was one of the best games of my life as a Cowboy fan, top 3 for sure. To see how the players and coaches celebrated after the game, you could tell this was a huge monkey off their back.

I'm still just in awe of what I saw last night in SD.
I've seen plenty of Aztech games on TV and can see how it looks empty on TV. I'd guess probably just short of 30K were there last night. Probably about 1K Wyoming. We had a real nice contingent there. The acoustics of the stadium also seemed to generate good noise. It got pretty loud in there in the 4th Quarter for how empty I'm sure it looked on TV.
I was actually pretty impressed with the fan support for the Aztechs.
I was wondering if the coaching staff would ever try modify the offensive scheme to fit our players. They finally did it for this game.

They literally tightened up the formations which led to us being able to run the ball up the middle. It was exactly what they needed to do last week against BYU, but they continued to try and run the 4 wide spread and work the ends with the backs. They finally got it right, but I am not impressed it took them this long to make the alterations.

Did anyone notice that when ACS puts some velocity on the ball and makes his throw in rhythm his accuracy goes way up. I still can't stand it when he back pedals so far that he has to make a 20 yard pass to make a 2 yard gain.

I've seen well over a hundred games live and I would never expected them to overcome that deficit with this team. previous teams, yes. I've been to road games and it is a wonderful feeling when you experience that kind of play on the road. Has me thinking about going to CSU.
Our offense found a rhythm weve been searching for all season and it payed off we ran a hook and ladder in the first half and went back to it twice after that but didnt pitch it sort of an option play