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Joe Tiller - Leaving Wyoming


Staff member
Brown and Gold All Access had an interesting story about the events surrounding Joe Tiller leaving Wyoming as told by Marcus Harris. Also mentioned that Tiller has season tickets this year and will be attending a few games. It almost sounded like Tiller never wanted to leave Wyoming, but didn't feel comfortable with the AD, if I heard all of this right. Marcus Harris said he looks like a high school fantasy coach compared to Tiller as far as how serious he takes football.
MrTitleist said:
Brown and Gold All Access had an interesting story about the events surrounding Joe Tiller leaving Wyoming as told by Marcus Harris. Also mentioned that Tiller has season tickets this year and will be attending a few games. It almost sounded like Tiller never wanted to leave Wyoming, but didn't feel comfortable with the AD, if I heard all of this right. Marcus Harris said he looks like a high school fantasy coach compared to Tiller as far as how serious he takes football.

3 Things led to this tragic event in UW football (and yes, I think it was a tragic event, because had Tiller remained at the helm, UW would have never have suffered through Dana, Vic, or Joe).

1. Moon - that piece of shit was largely (almost solely) to blame.
2. bWHYu vs. UW WAC championship game. Safety / Botch Punt saga.
3. Fan apathy - it was greater then, even though we were winning, than now. Call it expectations.
I thought it was common knowledge that Tiller loved Wyoming but he didn't feel appreciated by the powers that be.

While I disagreed with the intential safety, I don't think it had much to do with his leaving. I thought that fate was sealed at the beginning of his final season. My understanding is he went into the final year of his contract without an extension offer, so when he completed a 10-2 season at UW and got a nice offer from a major conf, why wouldn't he take it. If your going to have instability and a short hook might as well do it making big money.

I have longed for a UW team as good as Tillers ever since he left and have never blamed him for leaving. If I were a football coach UW is the dream job I would want but I realize 99% of world would think Im nuts. I think it comes down to a pride thing, I was born and raised in Wyoming, love college football with a passion and outside of my families needs, want nothing more than for UW football to be the best there is.
They himed and hawed about offering him a new contract as his old one was expiring, and he took his wares elsewhere.

Things haven't really been the same at UW or Purdue for that matter, ever since.
