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Joe Glenn stated Karsten will by the starting QB...


Well-known member
This week against Utah. Agree or Disagree WyoNation? Personally, I think either Dax or Chris should get the start...with the same opportunity (not looking over your shoulder), that Karsten had last week.

What would it really hurt, we already played musical QB's against powerhouse Bowling Green!
I think we should put Dax in, let him do his thing without having to worry about being blindsided by the coaches on the sideline. He'll have plenty to keep is attention on during the game. As far as putting Chris in, I think that was a mistake from the beginning...nothing like screwing with their minds early in their career, huh? Let Chris be an observer this year. Hell, make him be an observer and write a report on what he saw and what he learned from it. I see this as another problem with this team, the young guys not in the game are busy bullshitting on the sideline instead of really analyzing what is happening in the game and learning from it. Can't take the coaches word on everything, you know.....
Why not, give Dax a chance to see how much he can score. Maybe that should be the next test. I think that is how you win games. Turnovers don't help but stalling drives isn't any better. If only we could change coaches too because I would start there first then tweak the QBs. Oh well. :(
let me follow this up by saying that after each play, the coaches should be quizzing those guys on the sideline about what happened the previous play. Make those guys give an explanation of the previous play and why it worked or didn't work. I really believe that this would help the young guys understand the implications of "taking a play off". Coaching isn't reserved just for practices and disciplining players isn't reserved just for the game.
After all I have read and heard so far this season on how Karsten needs a chance, I am surprised to see people wanting Dax back. I say give Karsten that chance to prove why he wasn't the starter this season. The real important thing is in Dec. we should be hearing about our new coach and looking forward to the future of Cowboy Football.
GreybullPoke said:
After all I have read and heard so far this season on how Karsten needs a chance, I am surprised to see people wanting Dax back. I say give Karsten that chance to prove why he wasn't the starter this season. The real important thing is in Dec. we should be hearing about our new coach and looking forward to the future of Cowboy Football.

I agree about December...but maybe it will be November 24th. Karsten had his chance, IMO, last week at New Mexico, and he sucked. Maybe it ALL wasn't his fault (OC/QB coach, scheme, weather, diarreha, etc.), but he sucked.
I like Dax better than Karsten. He has TO problems, but at least we scored occasionally when he was playing. Karsten was never that great, his first season he had some real lucky breaks (forcing balls all the time in double and tripple coverage). I can't lie though, I was very excited about him his freshman year. Last year though I lost all confidence in Sween. He hasn't shown any reason to play since the beginning (after virginia)of last year.

Focus on November/December....that is all I think of.
The start should go to Dax or Chris. We have seen where Karsten is at in his collegiate career. Time to move on to someone else.
Personally I think Crum really got his shot the first few games of the season, no one was looking over his shoulder at that point too heavily, and he wasn't getting it done. I still think Sween has the biggest upside of the QB's but the results have been the same regardless of who gets the starting nod. I don't think we are going to find the magic solution just by employing the plug-n-play QB method.
Sween has never had the opportunity to play behind a line that wasn't swiss cheese. UNM's blitz defense, our shitty O line, and the rain all contributed to poor numbers. Atleast Sween doesn't stand in the pocket like a deer in headlights and take the sack for -10. Dax hasn't shown me shit, he had one nice pass to Morgan the very first game, but other than that, he has done nothing. Stutz's few opportunities have been pretty poor, Hetrick can run, but IMO is pretty ineffective passing. Berry is a stud, so I've heard, but I doubt the coaches want to burn his red shirt.

The QB's aren't the problem, the O line sucks, and our recievers couldn't catch a cold. The coaches have very little confidence in our QB's, so much so, they won't let them attempt a pass longer than 10 yards. Our RB's can't be effective unless our passing game opens up, and I doubt we will see that until Cole is gone.

Our recievers aren't fast, they run piss poor routes, and can't catch, bottom line. No QB on our roster is going to flourish with help like that.
wyoforlife said:
The QB's aren't the problem, the O line sucks, and our recievers couldn't catch a cold.
Bingo!! O-line and receivers. That two-headed monster seems to be the common thread in most of our losses. When the QB's are under pressure and the receivers are getting little separation, and not catching it half the time they do, it's no wonder we throw so many interceptions.
GetRealMan said:
wyoforlife said:
The QB's aren't the problem, the O line sucks, and our recievers couldn't catch a cold.
Bingo!! O-line and receivers. That two-headed monster seems to be the common thread in most of our losses. When the QB's are under pressure and the receivers are getting little separation, and not catching it half the time they do, it's no wonder we throw so many interceptions.

It doesn't help...when we do nothing but run the ball up the middle more than 50% of the time. And EVERYONE knows we are going to do it. Boring football 101.
Stutzreim's time to shine!! Can't be any worse than what we've had. Dax had his shot, couldn't do it. Karsten got his, put up 71 yards. Next... Stutz!!
Yes, agreed, Stutzreim should go in this game. Why? Sween put up zero points in his chance last year. Dax has had other chances this year. And furthermore, everybody knows or thinks in their hearts, that this is going to be a blowout. So why not give the green kids a look?