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Joe Glenn retirement announcement?


Active member
Heard talk over at the MWC board that Joe announced his retirement at the coaches show taping yesterday. This is a RUMOR. Here's the link.


Plus, unless they have changed things I believe the coach's show air on Sunday night's on a local casper station - KCWY at 4:30pm and then the Mtn reairs it during the week. I'm not buying this one, maybe I'll be proven wrong, but seems a bit odd to me.
Snowman - if it airs on Sunday, it still could be true cause I am not sure how many watch the coaches show anyway!
7220Fan said:
Snowman - if it airs on Sunday, it still could be true cause I am not sure how many watch the coaches show anyway!

Very True about no one watching it - but I would guess that at least one sports commentator in Casper would have picked up on it and it would have spread like wildfire. Plus the athletics departement would have an official statement out if in fact a statement like that had aired last night. Like I said I could be completely wrong this time, but seems a little too fishy, I think we are all just looking for the light at the end of the tunnel and are grasping for straws that may not be there.
I just talked to a friend and he said nothing like that was on the show. Just got to be someone starting a rumor.
7220Fan said:
I just talked to a friend and he said nothing like that was on the show. Just got to be someone starting a rumor.

Right you are...that rumor is 100% BS...FOR A FACT. Rediculous...to quit on a coaches show? Ha ha ha ha...ha ha ha ha...whew...what a retarded statement! Besides, if I am him, you can kiss my ass UW...fire me, and pay me the buyout!

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