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I watched the first drive of the UW BYU game...


Well-known member
This morning on the Mountain...I know, a glutton for punishment.

Granted, we moved the ball a bit that first drive, and some fans were really excited about that...but did you all see we threw to the flat FOUR times in our first drive. The first time...loss of 2. The second time...gain of maybe 5. The third time...gain of 3. The fourth...you know what. What in the hell is that about? I hate that play...and we don't have downfield blocking good enough for it to yield anything worth a shit. Might as well throw the effing A bubble screen.
I couldn't agree more. In order for that play to work our recievers have to block. The problem is, none of our recievers seem capable to throw an effective block.
McPeachy said:
This morning on the Mountain...I know, a glutton for punishment.

Granted, we moved the ball a bit that first drive, and some fans were really excited about that...but did you all see we threw to the flat FOUR times in our first drive. The first time...loss of 2. The second time...gain of maybe 5. The third time...gain of 3. The fourth...you know what. What in the hell is that about? I hate that play...and we don't have downfield blocking good enough for it to yield anything worth a shit. Might as well throw the effing A bubble screen.

I agree, we can't use that play near as much. I don't have a problem with it once or twice early in the game or right after halftime to get the QB's so confidence and maybe find a groove. After that we need to go down the field a little bit. Even 7-8 yard curl routes, 10 yard outs, slants, etc will work. Just keep picking up 1st downs and then when the defense creaps up we have to at least take a shot. Big plays are daggers to a defense, 1 or 2 a game can really make a huge difference!
I was listening to the game on the radio as I was hunting grouse and getting a little fishing in around the beautiful Sierra Madres; Dave and Kevin made it sound like we were getting 5-6 minimum on every play. After watching the replay on the mtn I wasn't nearly impressed.

The play in the flat is ridiculous to run 4 times in one series let alone 4 times a game. I did like the way they got Crum out of the pocket for the long pass to Bolling though, we definitely need more plays like that.

Another play I would really like to see is the shovel pass. With D-Mo's speed and shiftiness it could be a real successful play.

I just miss the whole offense from the first year or two of Glenn's stint here. I miss the fake punts and field goals, receiver throws, and all that other gimmicky stuff. They used to give it to Bouknight all the time to throw; Bolling used to be a QB, let him throw it on some trick plays. Put Bolling at QB like the Dolphins used Ronnie Brown this last weekend. Joe really has nothing to lose now, he should be pulling all the tricks out the bag now. Stop the conservative bullshit and lay it all on the line.

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