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How's McClain lookin now Poke Fans?

Of course he looks better...Heath has proved Buckymac is a better coach. BUT...Buckymac SUCKED BALLS TOO! Our hoops program has sunk this low, we are looking back at something pathetic, thinking it is not. WTF.
No - we weren't pathetic. We were in a few down years. Now that we ARE pathetic, it's easy to see that we weren't. It's like people saying Bush was a big spender and seeing what the Dems have spent in only two years. Turns out the Republican drunken sailor was merely tipsy.

Remember when the average crowd was down to 7,000 and everybody called for stevie boys head? Well, now it's down below 5,000 and they've lost support, $$$$ and they can't beat the girls team.
CowboyCO said:
No - we weren't pathetic. We were in a few down years. Now that we ARE pathetic, it's easy to see that we weren't. It's like people saying Bush was a big spender and seeing what the Dems have spent in only two years. Turns out the Republican drunken sailor was merely tipsy.

Remember when the average crowd was down to 7,000 and everybody called for stevie boys head? Well, now it's down below 5,000 and they've lost support, $$$$ and they can't beat the girls team.

Agree to disagree. Buckymac tanked our program. He sucked. And we were pathetic...just not to the current level. Again, Buckymac looks like roses compared to our current turd...but he was a turd of his own.
Macs guys are gone -- These are all Shroyer's recruits. He's had players quit, get suspended, and we are losing to directional schools regularly.
CowboyCO said:
No - we weren't pathetic. We were in a few down years. Now that we ARE pathetic, it's easy to see that we weren't. It's like people saying Bush was a big spender and seeing what the Dems have spent in only two years. Turns out the Republican drunken sailor was merely tipsy.

Remember when the average crowd was down to 7,000 and everybody called for stevie boys head? Well, now it's down below 5,000 and they've lost support, $$$$ and they can't beat the girls team.
I was one of those in minority when Mac was fired; at least of those who were vocal about his firing. (I have run across many poke fans who still do not like the way his firing was handled but who remain quiet about it -- a good many have left the ranks of "butts in the seats" at men's games). As I posted yesterday I felt Mac had the foundation for an 18 to 20 year winning season and possibly a 20 to 22 year winning season if he could pick up a half way good JC post player. However, I am not an expert, self-proclaimed or otherwise, on a coach's abilities (important things like how they part their hair, how their clothes fit, etc.). I just know that there seemed to be a lot more enthusiasm displayed by his players than by a couple of prior coaches, probably excepting Shyatt. I think a good part of the dislike of Mac was that he was not a social mixer but I found on the few occasions when I talked with him one-on-one about some related to a particular UW men's game he was relaxed and had a sense of humor. I recall telling him once that these cliff hangers (we had just won some game by a point or two after a back and forth battle down to the clock) we going to result in some heart attacks and he just laughed and said that that was when coaching was the most fun trying to decide which play and/or player(s) would most likely be able to take advantage of an opponent at that given moment. One of the most blatant displays of that dislike that I experienced was walking out of a portal behind a couple of CJC members (at least I know the one was) and hearing one say to the other (after we had just beaten CSU) that that win was going "to make it harder to get rid" of Mac -- think that was a year before Mac was fired.

To me Mac's players seemed to have more fire in them when they were on the floor, especially when compared to our current roster (well at least from the prior three years as I have not seen or listened to the men play this season). I felt that there was more than a coach/player relationship between Mac and most of his players. Maybe that came from my thinking he was treating them at times like they were part of the family -- only basis I have for that is on two occasions having attended the Christmas Eve service at the First United Methodist Church, the unside down boat on Harney, when Mac and his wife, Kim, came in with some of the players who I guess did not leave for Christmas vacation and were spending Christmas Eve with them. Have read where others have said that Mac's players would run through a brick wall for him and I think that in many cases there is some truth in that. However, I am sort of off track as personal relationships really have nothing to do with coaching ability.

Yes, I do wish Mac was still here, or at least had been allowed to leave at the end of his contract instead of being told publicly "this is not a critical year for him" and then being fired so the AD could bring in his buddy.

Talked briefly with a friend a little while ago, who still attends games although after he and his wife were told to move two times by security a couple of games ago may not be going much longer, that as far as attendance goes there were maybe 600 "butts in the seats" last night but certainly not more than 800 -- so the announced figure still does not reflect those who actually attended. He also said he saw several people shaking Lee Moon's hand and visiting with him. Almost makes me wish I had been there to congratulate him for being able to select good basketball coaches -- Mac, and now a coach who takes a second year D-1 school and kicks our butts.

Sorry I am so long winded, but just a few random thoughts from an ex-UW men's BB fan who enjoyed watching enthusiasm on the floor and appreciated a coach who did not to find someone or something to blame for a loss.
Last two MWC championships both under Mac!!! Did you forget that Peachy? At least Mac didn't treat his players like $#^%. And he didn't curse all the time on the floor or walking back into the locker room. I would take him back in a heartbeat over Heath Bar.
thirtyseven said:
Last two MWC championships both under Mac!!! Did you forget that Peachy? At least Mac didn't treat his players like $#^%. And he didn't curse all the time on the floor or walking back into the locker room. I would take him back in a heartbeat over Heath Bar.

Ya, I hear ya...and no I didn't forget. But since the 2002-2003 season Buckymac largely tanked our program. And yes, at least he doesn't treat the players like crap (really pisses me off about HS), but he did let them walk all over him, and had ZERO discipline. I would take him over HS as well...but McClain is not the savior to Cowboy basketball...that (just like HS) has been proven.

How short our memories must be. I guess the shape the program is in will do that to a fan.
Mclain can be likened to Tiller. Both driven out of Laramie because the UW administration thought they were smart enough to get an upgrade in coaches. Vic and Heath proved to be disasters for both AD's involved.
Wyolie Coyote said:
Mclain can be likened to Tiller. Both driven out of Laramie because the UW administration thought they were smart enough to get an upgrade in coaches. Vic and Heath proved to be disasters for both AD's involved.

Sorry...but that is a horrible comparison. Tiller didn't have discipline issues, losing seasons, debilitating losses, attendance didn't tank, he wasn't job shopping, etc., etc.

That being said, the HS decision should cost Burman his job. And Shroyer his.
Wasn't comparing the two individuals. Comparing the Athletic Director's decision to terminate each. Those two decisions have led us to the lowpoint of each sport. AD's always think they are smarter than they actually are. Hence the two worst hires in UW history with two coaches in place that appeared to have their respective programs on the rise. Yes, I think Mac had the basketball program on the upswing again when he was fired.
Ok...here we go...

Mac's Years / Record / Avg. Attendance

2000-2001 20-10 10-4 8436
2001-2002 19-6 11-2 9260
2002-2003 21-11 8-6 10305
2003-2004 11-16 4-10 9370
2004-2005 15-13 7-7 7467
2005-2006 14-18 5-11 5672
2006-2007 17-15 7-9 6069
2007-2008 12-18 5-11 5262

Didn't have data for 1999-2000...not that it matters. But those last 5 years were a painful SOB. 5 straight seasons without a winning MWC record.

And again, dont' get me wrong, Heath is WORSE (by far)...but McClain isn't / wasn't the answer. Blame it all on Burman for hiring Heath, not for firing McClain.
Once again, that was the point. If you are going to fire the incumbent who is having success or moderate success, better make sure you get an upgrade as head coach. Not choose the worst coach in the program's history.
Wyolie Coyote said:
Once again, that was the point. If you are going to fire the incumbent who is having success or moderate success, better make sure you get an upgrade as head coach. Not choose the worst coach in the program's history.

Holy shit. I agree with somebody / someone agrees with me today! Yippee! I am outta here.

McPeachy said:
Holy s##t. I agree with somebody / someone agrees with me today! Yippee! I am outta here.


I agree with you as well peach.(which is rare, i usually think your an asshat. jk) I just dont post much. I was actually pretty suportive of Mac up until the end but it was time for him to go. Now it appears we made a terrible choice for a replacement but that doesnt mean the original decision to fire Mac was a bad one. Now to look on the bright side if we can get a good coach next year I actually like the talent that we have on this team. :twocents:
Yea Mac had 17 wins when he got canned. And I still remember walking out of the AA the last game of that season and telling my dad that I thought they would hang for a MWC the next season. And I heard it from MANY people. Heath had a shit season with some of the best players in the MWC that year. I think we would have another MWC banner hanging in the AA if Steve was still here :thumb:
TwoTone said:
Yea Mac had 17 wins when he got canned. And I still remember walking out of the AA the last game of that season and telling my dad that I thought they would hang for a MWC the next season. And I heard it from MANY people. Heath had a s##t season with some of the best players in the MWC that year. I think we would have another MWC banner hanging in the AA if Steve was still here :thumb:

Your a 100% correct twotone, we had a 17 win team coming back that had the two leading scorers in the conference with every major contributor also coming back. Not to mention we had lost the opportunity to win several more games with players missing games due to suspension(from the brawl). We were very close to a 20 win team that year and I believe we would of had a chance to win the conference the next year. Add the fact that Burman gave an extension to heath after a 17 win season(same amount of wins as got McClain fired), It is very clear to me Burman needs to be gone, and gone as soon as possible. He basically robbed us of a chance for a title, and at Wyoming that doesnt come around a lot.

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