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Hey Yoda! Your team STILL IS DIRTY!


Well-known member
And you tried to tell me otherwise, and that it was all Sweeney and all 1990's. Well...bullshit on that pal.
I'm surprised the refs didn't call a few more things, especially when Alexander was thrown down out of bounds.

However, we could've had a player ejected (don't remember who) for the little cheap shot after a play on Mathews that made him leave for the locker room early in the game, and we didn't even get a penalty for it.
Asmodeanreborn said:
I'm surprised the refs didn't call a few more things, especially when Alexander was thrown down out of bounds.

However, we could've had a player ejected (don't remember who) for the little cheap shot after a play on Mathews that made him leave for the locker room early in the game, and we didn't even get a penalty for it.

I watched the game again yesterday...and am curious about something. When Matthews was leaving the game (FSU was on D) to go to the locker room, I, for the life of me, couldn't figure out why. The tackle was clean...and yes there was a little helmet rub at the end...but it was all within the scope of action. And then Matthews returned fine. Strange.

Also...why didn't the kid who shoved Alexander out of bounds...10 yards+ out of bounds (and again on the ground, and again standing up with hands to the face) not get a flag or ejected. Instead we got penalized. Very odd to say the least. MAC officials for you I guess.

Lastly, when Stover got hurt in the 1st OT, they hi-low-ed him. He was engaged high, and got swept by some FSU player at the knee level. That was malicious...FSU probably blew his knee...although I have not heard anything final. That was rediculous.
McPeachy said:
I watched the game again yesterday...and am curious about something. When Matthews was leaving the game (FSU was on D) to go to the locker room, I, for the life of me, couldn't figure out why. The tackle was clean...and yes there was a little helmet rub at the end...but it was all within the scope of action. And then Matthews returned fine. Strange.
I think what happened was one of our players went for his knee after the play, and that's why he was limping somewhat. It obviously wasn't enough to actually injure, but probably hurt like hell. I didn't pay much attention to what happened either, but a friend of mine kept talking about how dirty it was. I think he was just pissed that CU decided to keep Hawkins, though. I called him a battery thrower, and he shut up after that.

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