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Hey McPeach, Some bad news for you


Well-known member
I read on the other Board that SDSU alum personally pledged 5 million to keep Hoke. So that means that Burman reads these boards and now he expects you to pony up 5 mill to improve our Shitty budget. :mrgreen:
That SDSU alum is a genius. SDSU should do whatever it takes to keep Hoke there, because he's going to make that team great.
Landiegopoke said:
I read on the other Board that SDSU alum personally pledged 5 million to keep Hoke. So that means that Burman reads these boards and now he expects you to pony up 5 mill to improve our s##tty budget. :mrgreen:

Oh damn. I am only $4,999,996.50 short.

Honestly though...Wyoming is rich as hell...but we (UW / Athletics / Burman / Buchanan) have our sites set so low, I am not sure it would matter.
McPeachy said:
Landiegopoke said:
I read on the other Board that SDSU alum personally pledged 5 million to keep Hoke. So that means that Burman reads these boards and now he expects you to pony up 5 mill to improve our s##tty budget. :mrgreen:

Oh damn. I am only $4,999,996.50 short.

Honestly though...Wyoming is rich as hell...but we (UW / Athletics / Burman / Buchanan) have our sites set so low, I am not sure it would matter.
Hey I just had to Jab you a little, I actually agree with you! LOL
McPeachy said:
Landiegopoke said:
Honestly though...Wyoming is rich as hell...but we (UW / Athletics / Burman / Buchanan) have our sites set so low, I am not sure it would matter.

I'm not so sure they're all that rich if the Legislature forced the University to take budget cuts which were spread over all departments.

But, I'm not so surprised by what Buchanan said vis-a-vis the departure of TCU and Wyoming's ability to compete in the league. For one, we won't have the Frogs kicking our ass anymore, (for that matter neither do we have to suffer at the hands of Utah or BYU). Secondly, our budget are more in line with the budgets of fellow leaguemates left behind. This bodes well for being competitive with the field.

I didn't take it that Buchanan doesn't want Wyoming to improve the budget, but that we have a more level playing field now.

Now, we all would like it if Wyoming could spend more on athletics, but there are some political and practical reasons we're not going to spend more, for the time being. For one, no Wyoming polititician would dare suggest that the State fully fund the athletic program at a higher level than presently. Believe it or not, there are people in Wyoming who think the university spends TOO MUCH on athletics. Hell, there are politicians, like that A-hole from Jackson, that wants UW to drop a division or two. So, I think it's remarkable that the State was willing to do a matching fund program to pay for some significant facilitity upgrades. I can imagine the screaming and howling from the Wyoming masses if we were able to double what we pay the football coach. Hell, there are people now that are appalled that the UW footall coach makes more than the Governor. And when you think about it, Wyoming's 500,000 plus people account for a higher per capita contribution to UW athletics than most schools with comprable budgets.

Aside from the politics, Wyoming major revenue-producing programs, football and basketball, need to get better to attract more butts in the seats to make more money. So, ironically, the Pokes need to win more to get more money to be more competitive. I think DC is going to get the football program there eventually, I'm not so sure about basketball, however.

So, bottomline, I don't think Buchananan and Burman are being defeatist, they're just practical. Tough to say, but reality stinks.
The Virginian said:
I'm not so sure they're all that rich if the Legislature forced the University to take budget cuts which were spread over all departments.

So, bottomline, I don't think Buchananan and Burman are being defeatist, they're just practical. Tough to say, but reality stinks.


First off, Wyoming is loaded. We have a "rainy day fund" in place that is not often talked about, that has more than 9 zeros behind the first double digit number...yes, double digit number. Second, although the economy is weaker than 2 or 3 years ago (with consumption & tax / royalies both dropping), we are still making a boat load of cash. Why did the legislature force the university to take "budget" cuts? And even though there were reported "budget cuts" actual spending increased. And it increased past the level of where the budget began in the first place. I call it the old-fucker anti-change way of Wyoming thinking. Wyoming should change it's slogan to this..."Wyoming, The 82 Year Old Super Conservative Ranch Owner State."

And yes, they are defeatist in it's purest form. Did Burger King and Wendy's bow down to McDonald's or try to rise to their level so they could compete? One of many examples, but the point remains the same. The B's made the statement that mediocrity will now suit our university better, and we will no longer have to work hard to get to a higher level to compete. Huh?! Fuck that.
McPeachy said:
The Virginian said:
I'm not so sure they're all that rich if the Legislature forced the University to take budget cuts which were spread over all departments.

So, bottomline, I don't think Buchananan and Burman are being defeatist, they're just practical. Tough to say, but reality stinks.


First off, Wyoming is loaded. We have a "rainy day fund" in place that is not often talked about, that has more than 9 zeros behind the first double digit number...yes, double digit number. Second, although the economy is weaker than 2 or 3 years ago (with consumption & tax / royalies both dropping), we are still making a boat load of cash. Why did the legislature force the university to take "budget" cuts? And even though there were reported "budget cuts" actual spending increased. And it increased past the level of where the budget began in the first place. I call it the old-f##ker anti-change way of Wyoming thinking. Wyoming should change it's slogan to this..."Wyoming, The 82 Year Old Super Conservative Ranch Owner State."

And yes, they are defeatist in it's purest form. Did Burger King and Wendy's bow down to McDonald's or try to rise to their level so they could compete? One of many examples, but the point remains the same. The B's made the statement that mediocrity will now suit our university better, and we will no longer have to work hard to get to a higher level to compete. Huh?! f##k that.

What McP says is absolutely true. Several financial magazines show Wyoming as being the top economy in the country. However, when you compare our athletic budget to the other schools in the MWC, you will see we are behind all of them except CSU - and for most of them it isn't even close (even California with it's terrible economic status). Our facilities are good even though our stadium is over 50 years old, but without the donors that gifted UW Athletics we would not be able to say we have good facilities. It's not just about the athletic budget though, it is also about the commitment to have teams that at least compete for conference championships from the bottom to the top of the University of Wyoming administration/trustees that has me concerned. They give us lip service and token support, but that is all. I'm tired of this "woe is me" stuff coming from the admins. Our legislators & UW Administration/Trustees need to realize this is the 21st century and not the 20th century they are still believing we are in.
Why should the state pay any more for out of state athelets to compete, Its a honest question which hits towards the heart of the way most residents feel. Remember A large percentage of Wyoming residents are not Alumni or Fans of the U of Wyoming. If it was up to any of us we would spend billions of dollars on UW athletics, but lets be honest money only goes so far. until you start to build a winning attitude or tradition that kids want to be apart of, all of the nice facilities and recruiting trips will not make a difference.
Danmully said:
Why should the state pay any more for out of state athelets to compete, Its a honest question which hits towards the heart of the way most residents feel. Remember A large percentage of Wyoming residents are not Alumni or Fans of the U of Wyoming. If it was up to any of us we would spend billions of dollars on UW athletics, but lets be honest money only goes so far. until you start to build a winning attitude or tradition that kids want to be apart of, all of the nice facilities and recruiting trips will not make a difference.
I'd have to agree. As much as I want Cowboys to own everybody else, you have to look at things realistically. There are more important things than sports, and if the Democrats get through all of their coal legislation, Wyoming may not continue to be such a rich state for very long.
I disagree....Money doesnt just go so far. It makes a huge difference. How good was Oklahoma St before they started getting huge influctions of cash? not very at all, now they are a consistent top 25 team that competes with the big boys like Oklahoma. Given a little more time and money and they will become a consistent BCS team. Billions?? (extreme) would in fact make us a power in short time (4yrs- 1 recruiting class through graduation). Rather than having to do more with less we could be in a power position of doing more with more. If we spent the $ on football Ohio State does we would soon be THE power in the MWC, elite coaching, facilities, travel arrangements, tv exposure, etc. check out the videos online of the Oregon and LSU players lounges and tell me that does not bring in elite athletes.

I also agree, there are more important things than sports. But a large number of wyoming kids are now going to UW due to the Hathaway and the overall feelings regarding spending may eventually change within the powers that be.

Personally, I think it all starts with coaching and facilities. Now that we have upgraded our facilities (we could still do more) I think we need to make the coaches salaries performance based and match others salaries of coaches we beat. That is something you can outspend the opponent with. SDSU is going bonkers over Hoke and his 1 good year, image what they will do to be competitive if he actually follows it up with a 10-2 season?

In all, I think the state of wyoming could do more to improve the football program but still be financial responsible. Loosen the strings a little could make a big difference and could create a self sustainable power eventually.
Just to clarify....I don't think we should spend a ton on a new high profile coach right now, we need to find a way to keep DC when he starts winning like I think he will.

We also need to make sure we hang on to Branch with the wrestling program, Yerdy in volleyball, etc.

But down the road when a new coach is hired pay should not be an issue. If someone like Nick Saban was available I would like us to offer as much as Alabama or any other school in the nation. If someone like that turns us down because they are scared of the challenge, then I am ok with that. I would like to think we hire the best coaches available rather than the best we can "afford". But, money doesn't grow on sagebrush, otherwise we would all be rich, so I am going to continue to try to come up with a billion dollar idea so I have money to donate to UW coaching.
I'm not "buying" this money excuse for not being competitive. Yes, Wyoming has a balanced budget and a huge rainy day fund. What do you want to spend money on for the football program? (And lets be honest, isn't football and basketball the only two sports that generate revenue and that sports fans primarily care about?)

We have a new indoor practice facility, athletic center, major stadium improvements, all kinds of new construction throughout the campus, improved compensation for assistant coaches (as good as any colleges except for the top programs). College programs rely on recruiting and recruits are probably very impressed with the facilities.

They aren't impressed with our win/loss record over the last decade. They aren't impressed that only a handful of grads are roaming the NFL. They aren't impressed that a packed house is 34,000 fans. And heaven forbid they are shown around town where the bulk of the infrastructure needs to be leveled with a dozer, a town that would look like Bosler if it didn't have UW. A community that is comfortable just getting by on its association with the university.

Move our quaint little college town, with it's very good sports facilities and decently compensated coaching staffs to an hour or two drive from Indianapolis, Las Vegas or even Colorado Springs and you'll get recruits you were never able to get before.
so your saying it is no use because we are in wyoming? I would rather like to look for the advantages we do have and utilize them as much as possible, and yes wyoming has $. I thought we were talking about answers not excuses.
Kougar78 said:
I'm not "buying" this money excuse for not being competitive. Yes, Wyoming has a balanced budget and a huge rainy day fund. What do you want to spend money on for the football program? (And lets be honest, isn't football and basketball the only two sports that generate revenue and that sports fans primarily care about?)

We have a new indoor practice facility, athletic center, major stadium improvements, all kinds of new construction throughout the campus, improved compensation for assistant coaches (as good as any colleges except for the top programs). College programs rely on recruiting and recruits are probably very impressed with the facilities.

They aren't impressed with our win/loss record over the last decade. They aren't impressed that only a handful of grads are roaming the NFL. They aren't impressed that a packed house is 34,000 fans. And heaven forbid they are shown around town where the bulk of the infrastructure needs to be leveled with a dozer, a town that would look like Bosler if it didn't have UW. A community that is comfortable just getting by on its association with the university.

Move our quaint little college town, with it's very good sports facilities and decently compensated coaching staffs to an hour or two drive from Indianapolis, Las Vegas or even Colorado Springs and you'll get recruits you were never able to get before.

Facilities are not the problem. Even DC said our facilities were better than Missouri's. The part I bolded on your statement is where you are wrong. Instead of hiring the best coaches we could get, we hired the ones we could afford (including basketball). We couldn't even begin to do what SDSU did with their coaching staff (Hoke for HC & Long for DC - and the State of California is in terrible financial condition). Our budget hurts our recruiting more than you think. We can't even afford to take all the recruiting trips we need to take. You can't just write recruits a letter or call them on the phone and expect to be successful very often. It used to work that way, but not anymore. There is a tremendous amount of competition for quality recruits now. Like I said before, UW's athletic budget is the lowest in the MWC with the exception of CSU and we are very close to them. We are far below the average athletic budget in the MWC. That is what Burman & Buchanan were talking about.
Wyoming has the same budget as boise st & nearly the same as utah (if you take out cost of baseball) so why can't we compete?

Here is an idea, sell beer at games and we will be ohio st rich.
I can't debate the recruiting budget because I don't have a clue how that is allocated. Let's consider that once UW quits allocating capital dollars out for new infrastructure (which it has been doing at break neck speed), then maybe they can start moving those dollars to operations, where recruiting should/could benefit. I think our recruiting budget would have to be higher than most to have any chance of stealing a choice recruit now and then.

And, I'm not giving up having a good football or basketball (well, maybe basketball) team occasionally, but UW's sports history is what it is. A couple ten win seasons every ten years would be better than average.

My main point was; it is less about university budget dollars and more about Laramie. Much of the talent is from urban America or suburban areas near major population centers. How are you going to appeal to to those recruits? We will get good players from time to time from all kinds of locations, but I cannot envision fielding a senior class that results in 3 to 5 players getting drafted in the NFL.
Holy Cow, South Florida had 5 players drafted just last season and even the frigg'in Utes had 6.
winning cures all. Boise does fine recruiting and Laramie is closer to urban areas then boise. Win games, recruits come, fans come, and sell beer at games and we have money.

Mostly sell beer at games. That is the key to wyoming's future. I always wondered how much the libray(at half time and pre game)and albertsons (pint sales) make during a football game. The stands are littered with empty bottles after everygame. Charge 3-5 bucks a beer (still cheaper than a rockies game) and you make a killing.
marcuswyo said:
winning cures all. Boise does fine recruiting and Laramie is closer to urban areas then boise. Win games, recruits come, fans come, and sell beer at games and we have money.


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I'm with you on the beer. Start out charging too much for it, then discount it with each loss. On the last game of a win-less season it is .50 cents.

It's a win-win for everybody!!!!
sounds good to me, maybe that is the key to having a dominate budget, home field advantage, atmosphere, attendance. It has the potential of helping in a lot of areas.

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