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Hey j.c. rock in the head......


Well-known member
Your whipping boy made 2nd team all MWC. Congrats to Biezuns and Prosinski to make 2nd team all MWC. I guess nobody is as smart as you j.c. rocks in the head. Go crawl back under your rock until you can find some other UW athlete to bad mouth.
bladerunnr said:
Your whipping boy made 2nd team all MWC. Congrats to Biezuns and Prosinski to make 2nd team all MWC. I guess nobody is as smart as you j.c. rocks in the head. Go crawl back under your rock until you can find some other UW athlete to bad mouth.

Prosinski is a great team leader. And also, it isn't surprising he was named 2nd team, as the MWC awards are largely based on stats (his tackle numbers for instance).

That all being said, he got torched deep too many times this year. He should have added 20 - 30 pounds and been a LB...he can stop the run as well as anyone.