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Heath has lost this team.......


Staff member
It should be obvious to everyone that Heath has lost this team and I am of the opinion that it will be impossible for him to get them back. Too bad the only guy that matters (Burman) says that Heath is safe. That very well may be true, but if his job wasn't safe Burman isn't going to announce it to the media. If things keep going as they are and I think they will I don't know how you can bring him back. In the twenty years I have followed wyo athletics I've never seen the state care so little for the b-ball team.
When he was hired and lost the team with Jones on it,everyone said that McLain's players aren't buying into Schroyer's scheme or discipline.

When he lost the team with Oggiri on it,everyone said there are still to many of McLains players and they aren't giving Schroyer his proper respect and they still aren't buying into his scheme.They said it would be so much better when Ewing and the rest of McLain's players are gone and Schroyer has his own players.

Well now he has his own players,Ewing and the rest of McLains guys are gone and can't be blamed for sabatoge.

So now who is the problem?
I just have to look back and feel sorry for Brad and Brandon. Especially Brad, his senior season whe coul have contended for a conference championship with a different coach. Heath is such a joke, but I guess thats life

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