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Hawaii Press Conference today, joining MWC


Staff member
Wyokie just cried a tear of happiness.
Only untl we play them in Honolulu. We're going to get slaughtered by them there.

On Sports Hawaii, they are THRILLED to get the hell outta the WAC!!!!!

All of their other sports are heading to the Big West which makes complete sense.

If any of you want to go over to Sports Hawaii.com tell them Wyokie sent ya.
This seems like a good move to me. Now you can really get after them Wyokie. Welcome Hawaii, glad we will be playing you again. :thumb:
The mtn will be broadcasting the press conference at 3pm. At least that's what the mtn website says.
.....and they're in as the 12th football member of the MWC. All other sports will play in Big West. I wonder what else will come out of the MWC presidents meetings..
MrTitleist said:
.....and they're in as the 12th football member of the MWC. All other sports will play in Big West. I wonder what else will come out of the MWC presidents meetings..

I think they'll hold off on adding two more for all sports until later.

I think the MWC will eventually go to 12.

Wyokie said:
MrTitleist said:
.....and they're in as the 12th football member of the MWC. All other sports will play in Big West. I wonder what else will come out of the MWC presidents meetings..

I think they'll hold off on adding two more for all sports until later.

I think the MWC will eventually go to 12.
Question is, who will be the other 2? I think Utep may be a contender, one way or the other (long history with most of the schools in the conference and very close to UNM), as for the other, the most consistent one I have heard is USU, but that is just from people on the MWC board.
From Cowboy Altitude: http://www.cowboyaltitude.com/2010/12/10/1869135/hawaii-football-to-join-mountain-west-in-2012

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