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Hawaii considers independence, WAC looks to FCS


Staff member

Montana, Montana State, Sacramento State, Texas State, and UT-San Antonio all mentioned.

The WAC, down to six teams after the departure of Fresno State and Nevada to the Mountain West Conference this week, could lose another with Hawaii “fleshing out the possibility” of going independent in football, a source close to the situation told Sporting News.

Hawaii athletic director Jim Donovan told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser that “we need to be prepared for anything.” A source told Sporting News on Friday morning that Hawaii believes it is an attractive option for ESPN—and its television dollars—now that the WAC has been mortally wounded with the losses of Boise State, Fresno State and Nevada to the MWC.

Read more: http://www.sportingnews.com/ncaa-football/feed/2010-08/byus-independence/story/hawaii-considers-leaving-wac-for-independent-status#ixzz0xB3bQCKM
As some of you know, I do post on Sports Hawaii (only pro-MWC fan really allowed to) and the feeling I got on there is that about 60-65% (and growing) favor getting the hell outta Dodge as fast as possible.
Cornpoke said:
I almost feel sorry enough for Hawaii I wouldn't mind seeing them back with us.
Neither would I. The only real problem are the travel costs and time zone differences (jet lag sucks coming back from there).

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