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Hammond from the Laramie Paper


Well-known member
Interesting side-notes on his editorial from Laramie's paper about Shyatt:


I especially loved this part,

"The speculation and opinions among the media and on Internet message boards was non-stop.

And how about the media and Internet geeks going to the lengths of checking out flight schedules of Wyoming state planes as well as camping out at Brees Field to greet returning flights to see who got off?

Social media have taken control. Everyone involved needs to be “first with the breaking news.""

LOL! There was some major shit flinging and guessing going on, tied in with a good old fashioned UW administrator driven witch hunt. So far, nobody went down or got caught with their tits (or pecker) out though.
Here's the thing.. just like Ricky Bobby says, "if you're not first, you're last." If you're not first with the news then you're getting the news from someone else.. so it's no kidding that everyone wanted to be first.. hell, if I lived in Laramie I woulda been standing shoulder to shoulder with Gags and Schmoldt waiting to see who got off the plane. But this isn't something new to the internet.. maybe Hammond, but definitely not the internet. I remember when Montana had its football coaching search last year.. eGriz was totally overrun from the moment Hauck left until Pflugrad was hired.. names from Bobby Petrino to Sonny Lubick were being thrown out as candidates and people were checking flight schedules then as well. Though, a bit harder to track since the Missoula airport gets considerably more traffic than Laramie International.
If Hammond was doing his job, he would have gotten his fat butt off the Barcalounger and gone out to Brees field to see who gets off the the plane as well.