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Great game guys


Well-known member
I'm posting from my phone at the place we're staying at outside of Laramie.

Well we couldn't have played much worse in the first half. Our play calling was mind blowing to most fans I was with. You guys came pumped up and ready to play, and we really didn't. Colt was off for most of the game, just happens sometimes. Its crazy that most people will say he had a bad game because he had more incompletions than usual. Still ended up with almost 400 total yds of offense.

The fake punt wasn't a called play, that was on the punter and was an AWFUL decision. You can't do that out of your endzone.

Say what you want, but I think the elevation had no effect on us. Yeah we may have been tired by the end of the game, but that happens every game, and I didn't see anybody gassed. And I think that shows with the way the 2nd half went and the way our running game started to work.

Were those MWC officials? Some of those calls were laughable. I've never seen a OL push a DE completely out of the box, and then get called for holding. The best part was the penalty on our #10. Only thing is that #10 at Texas is a retired number.

All in all it was a great effort by your boys. I think it was just to much to keep up with for 4 quarters.

I had a great time. Almost all of the fans I talked to were very welcoming and gave us congrats. The students weren't pretty, but that's common. Had a bunch of drinks at the Library, and walked around the little tailgate area. Stadium was very nice, and I loved it. Don't let anyone tell you different because of the size. Crowd was great, and was very proud of the Texas turnout. Saw lots of little burnt orange pockets scattered around the stadium. Good luck to you guys the rest of the season. I think yall can (and should) beat CU next week. And I hope you do.

I'll try to check back a few times. And before I go, I want to extend and invitation to my tailgate to all Wyo fans that come to Austin next year. We have a huge tailgate complete with Jager machine, kegs and shot blocks. I'll give more info for those that want it and more later.

Take care, Hook'em and Go Pokes.
Major props to your program and fans. That was quite an atmosphere. I don't think 30,000 fans can be louder.

As for the game, we pulled away there in the second half and started to play more sharply, but your team has nothing to be ashamed of and should have a good season ahead of it. Some of those kids on your defense were bringing it.

A #2 team should be able to go on the road and beat an unranked team pretty convincingly. Considering you're playing with a first year coach in his second game, that was a damn good showing. At the end of the day our team got a good test for more than a half in a pretty hostile environment.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.
Officiating crew is called CWO West or something like that. It is a makeup of the minor 1A conference officials. I hadn't heard of it until VERSUS announcers were talking about it. And yes they were horrendous, from the PF roughing kicker on WYO to the Holding on Texas to the countless non-calls that I could spot watching VERSUS on the internet with a 1.5Meg connection.

Yes, even with today's final score, we definitely have something starting to brew here at WYO. And it may just burn a few teams this season.
That really was a fun game and I met many great Texas fans today. I even gave a Texas fan an extra ticket of mine. It was fun harassing him in the first half and of course I heard about it the second half :)

I've certainly learned a few things about our team and where it has been and needs to be today. If this game had happened last year, I cringe thinking what the score would have been with our offense turning the ball over 7 times a game on average. That is a significant improvement. Sadly, our defense had the only touchdown this game.

Anyways, met many fine people today, had a great time, and that's what counts. Everyone have safe trips home this weekend!
TexasFight said:
Say what you want, but I think the elevation had no effect on us. Yeah we may have been tired by the end of the game, but that happens every game, and I didn't see anybody gassed. And I think that shows with the way the 2nd half went and the way our running game started to work.

No effect at all? Does this guy always take oxygen?

Your #71 looked pretty gassed to me and that was before halftime. It had en effect all right, just not enough to overcome your massive advantage in talent.

I had a great time at the game too, and enjoyed meeting the Texas fans that were sitting next to us. Good luck the rest of the season.
Great game on both sides. Texas did play a bit sloppy in the first half, but they showed us why they are the #2 team in the second half. I agree that the officiating was AWFUL! I was relieved to hear that they weren't Mountain West officials. I wouldn't be able to stand seeing that crew at any more of our games.

To all of you Texas fans that came up for the game, THANK YOU! Everyone that I met was very cordial, and I hope you enjoyed our beautiful state. I'll try to make the game in Austin next year, and I hope that I can represent my school as well as you did yours. Good luck to you the rest of the season!
WYO1016 said:
Great game on both sides. Texas did play a bit sloppy in the first half, but they showed us why they are the #2 team in the second half. I agree that the officiating was AWFUL! I was relieved to hear that they weren't Mountain West officials. I wouldn't be able to stand seeing that crew at any more of our games.

To all of you Texas fans that came up for the game, THANK YOU! Everyone that I met was very cordial, and I hope you enjoyed our beautiful state. I'll try to make the game in Austin next year, and I hope that I can represent my school as well as you did yours. Good luck to you the rest of the season!

From what the VERSUS announcers were saying, that kind of crew make-up is the kind that all the minor 1A conference games will have. No more MWC, WAC, MAC etc officiating crews. Can anybody shed light on this?
my favorite call was the review after another play had run. I am a Texas fan obviously, but the level of incompetence of this group of officials might actually rival our own conference officials.
To Texas Fans --
Wyoming will always respect teams like yourself, Virgina and Ole Miss (amazingly the UW and Ole Miss fans developed some sort of kindred love affair) because you all have been willing to travel to Laramie. Unlike pussies from Florida, Syracuse and Colorado, who won't sign a home and home contract, or if they do, buy out the Laramie game after we travel to their place. To Texas fans, thanks for coming and thanks for the game. I can't speak for everyone, but a lot of us will now be rooting for the Longhorns in the future.
Cheywypoke said:
To Texas Fans --
Wyoming will always respect teams like yourself, Virgina and Ole Miss (amazingly the UW and Ole Miss fans developed some sort of kindred love affair) because you all have been willing to travel to Laramie. Unlike pussies from Florida, Syracuse and Colorado, who won't sign a home and home contract, or if they do, buy out the Laramie game after we travel to their place. To Texas fans, thanks for coming and thanks for the game. I can't speak for everyone, but a lot of us will now be rooting for the Longhorns in the future.

Good post. I met some great Texas fans this past weekend...and we shared real a good time.

I personally was shocked somewhat by a couple of "usual" Wyoming fans, that have NO ties to Texas, that showed up at the game sporting nothing but burnt orange. I don't know why that was their choice (they have no ties to Texas) but they thought it was cool to support Texas on this day for some reason. No pride I guess. I asked if I should expect them to be wearing Scarlett & Gray on the 26th...or if they would be back in brown & gold...

I was also embarrassed by some UW fans that continually go over the top to be the largest bunch of assholes ever (Very CSewe like). You can be a great fan, without saying F&$% Texas and things like that. I can live with F&$% CSewe and F&#$ bWHYu to an extent...but Texas? That was rediculous.
Cheywypoke said:
To Texas Fans --
Wyoming will always respect teams like yourself, Virgina and Ole Miss (amazingly the UW and Ole Miss fans developed some sort of kindred love affair) because you all have been willing to travel to Laramie. Unlike pussies from Florida, Syracuse and Colorado, who won't sign a home and home contract, or if they do, buy out the Laramie game after we travel to their place. To Texas fans, thanks for coming and thanks for the game. I can't speak for everyone, but a lot of us will now be rooting for the Longhorns in the future.

I couldn't have said it better myself. My family and friends will always cherish the enthusiasm and atmosphere of leading #2 Texas in LARAMIE! even though it was short lived. I will root for Texas to win it all and for McCoy to win the Heismann (he was robbed last year anyway). We will soften up the Buffs for you, but you won't need it.
Fullback41 said:
Cheywypoke said:
To Texas Fans --
Wyoming will always respect teams like yourself, Virgina and Ole Miss (amazingly the UW and Ole Miss fans developed some sort of kindred love affair) because you all have been willing to travel to Laramie. Unlike pussies from Florida, Syracuse and Colorado, who won't sign a home and home contract, or if they do, buy out the Laramie game after we travel to their place. To Texas fans, thanks for coming and thanks for the game. I can't speak for everyone, but a lot of us will now be rooting for the Longhorns in the future.

I couldn't have said it better myself. My family and friends will always cherish the enthusiasm and atmosphere of leading #2 Texas in LARAMIE! even though it was short lived. I will root for Texas to win it all and for McCoy to win the Heismann (he was robbed last year anyway). We will soften up the Buffs for you, but you won't need it.

Didn't see this coming at the time, but I have to root for Nebraska to win tomorrow. A Nebraska win MAY get TCU in the Championship game AND keep Boise St out of the BCS this year.

If Texas beats Nebraska then I will root for them in Championship game, and TCU in their BSC game as well. We could end up having hosted the #1 and #2 teams in the nation this year.

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