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Great Article from Hammond today...


Well-known member

Talks about Muojeke & Manzano, and their path leading them to UW. Some absolutely terrific quotes from Heath as well...if you are a Wyoming fan, they will make you proud!

Here are Heath's comments:

“When recruiting, I get questioned a lot … How do you recruit kids from Jamaica Queens and Brooklyn, N.Y.?

“I sell exactly what Laramie is — it’s quiet, it’s safe, you don’t have to worry about drive-bys, you don’t have to worry about gangs, you don’t have to worry about so many things that affect your day-to-day lives in New York City, or Chicago, or Detroit or even Columbus, Ohio.

“I’ve always told them that the four years you spend in college will dictate the next 50 years of your life. So, for those four years, what’s really important? It’s almost like a sacrifice, a commitment to yourself, to something that is bigger than yourself, in order to make the next 50 years of your life a lot easier than the 18 to 20 years before.

“I just tell them the truth … I tell them what Laramie is and what Wyoming is, and I tell them what it isn’t. The guys that want to go and hang out and be in the big city and go to clubs and all that stuff five nights a week, then Laramie and Wyoming is probably not the place for you and I’m probably not the coach for you.

“All of our guys have responded so well to this.

“So many people worry about what Laramie isn’t instead of talking about what it is. I always knew that if I had a chance to come back to Laramie that those would be the things I would talk about and sell … and stay away from what it isn’t. Because what it is, is very, very good.” — Wyoming head basketball coach Heath Schroyer

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