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good win pokes

They played the entire game instead of just 5-10 mins. They were much better all around forced 20+ Turn overs and only had 7 I think it was. They hit from the line all in all they just looked like a completely different team.
Im officially on the heath schroyer bandwagon. :rofl:

but seriously nice win and I would take back every bad thing I have ever said about HS (which is alot)if he can get this team playing for a conference championship.
Wyo2dal said:
They played the entire game instead of just 5-10 mins. They were much better all around forced 20+ Turn overs and only had 7 I think it was. They hit from the line all in all they just looked like a completely different team.

Looks like we lost the rebounding game, though. It would be nice if we could get some "big guys". Right now we only have one guy listed as a "center" and that's Waddell. We need a big center (close to 7' and over 250lbs) to dominate underneath the basket. Just a thought....
Could it be that they like to work in quiet? From the video aspect, it didn't look like there were many people in the stands.
Adv8RU12 said:
Could it be that they like to work in quiet? From the video aspect, it didn't look like there were many people in the stands.

Maybe it felt like practice! They have performance anxiety...or dysfunction if you will. They need basketball GAME Viagra!
I was watching the Mtn network this morning and there was talk about the changes in Wyoming. Seems HS did the same thing that Jason Garret did for the Dallas Cowboys he took away all the luxuries.

supposedly HS took away the pre game meal, didn't allow players to stay in the luxury areas at the AA or on Campus. So sounds like he is trying to do whatever he can do to help motivate the Pokes I am glad he did that and I hope it really sinks into the head of the players.

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