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Game recap


Staff member
So... got to attend my first Cowboy game in quite a few years, had some pretty good seats. Started off tailgating in the tailgate park, met up with Corn Poke, chatted, good time. Traveled around the tailgates, then headed into the stadium. The defense was superb in the first half. They looked like they were going to keep the game close. Forced several three and outs, hurried Colt McCoy, made good tackles, and blocked a punt that was run back for a TD. Offense sputtered a lot in the first half, had a hard time picking up yards. Second half was a different story. Offense continued to sputter, went into panic mode and started throwing these obscure long passes. Defense started to wear down, Texas began moving the football. Colt McCoy made several nice plays with his legs. His stat line was huge, but it didn't look like he put up that many yards. Tackling went down hill for the Cowboys real quick. Announced crowd of 31,000+. Good game, decent weather, had a good time. I'll have pics up in the next couple of days when I get back to Missoula.. man I shot a lot of pics. ;)
The most exciting atmosphere I've ever experienced in the War. That includes the old days versus byu. There's no doubt in my mind we can beat cu. Our offense has to pick it up though. Defense and special teams were simply outstanding. Defense just wore down in second half. Sitting behind the Texas bench you realize just how big they are, like an NFL team.

We need more of a passing game. Texas just stacked the line of scrimmage and just dared us to throw, and we couldn't. CU is really down on their team. I suggest scanning the Boulder Craig's list for cheap tickets. I read there are still 10k available. GO POKES!
Texas is legit. We aren't on their level yet, but man we are playing alot of freshmen right now and they aren't doing too bad. The turnovers and penalties are much better than in the past. Here are a few things that stood out to me today:

Benjamin has happy feet when he drops back to pass, but he seems to avoid the rush most of the time - he made one spectacular play when he tucked the ball and ran to the right side.

I don't like that prevent defense we went into after our blocked punt and TD at the end of the first half - it didn't work against Weber St. and it didn't work today either.

Tackling - we should have had 2 or 3 sacks on McCoy today (at least one of them turned into a TD).

I know Texas is very good, but we sure gave them good field position on several kick-offs & punts.

I saw several questionable and no-calls by the officials today.

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