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Future B-Ball Schedules


Staff member
With SDSU not making the NCAA's this year with an RPI and SOS in the top 35, it is very important that we take note and step up our schedule if we ever want to gain an at-large bid in the future. With this in mid, does anyone know what home-home deals that we have left in the next couple of years in men's basketball? I know there are a few.....thanks!
Wicks said:
With SDSU not making the NCAA's this year with an RPI and SOS in the top 35, it is very important that we take note and step up our schedule if we ever want to gain an at-large bid in the future. With this in mid, does anyone know what home-home deals that we have left in the next couple of years in men's basketball? I know there are a few.....thanks!

I don't know if anything has been set...but did you hear Dick Vitale's comments on ESPN about scheduling and how the "big conferences" are holding everyone else down & hostage?! Quite interesting, and I actually agreed with him.

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