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Former UW DC Breske withdrawals from UNC consideration:


Well-known member
Interesting. Seems that the HC from Chadron is choice #1. UNC ran their selection process about as good as UW ran the selection process for UW men's HC in hoops. What an embarrassment.


P.S. No mention of English at all. I wonder if he was contacted and immediately said "fuck no".
UNC interviewed Dave Logan (Broncos radio guy, current CO HS coach), a guy from Alcorn St (or some SWAC school), Breske, and the guy from Chadron. IMO, the guy from Chadron would be a great choice. Breske backed out for some reason.. he isn't happy at Montana.. I've heard he doesn't much care for the care-free, everyone's a winner attitude of the current staff.. as Breske actually chews some ass when you screw up, and holds people accountable.. something the staff here doesn't do. UM must have given Breske a raise to keep him here.
MrTitleist said:
Just saw an update saying that Earnest Collins from Alcorn St will be the next HC at UNC.

Saw that also, but not sure why I care...

McPeachy said:
MrTitleist said:
Just saw an update saying that Earnest Collins from Alcorn St will be the next HC at UNC.

Saw that also, but not sure why I care...


I was kind of wondering the same thing...

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