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For comparison sake


Well-known member
There has been quite a bit of grumbling on this board, and the other one for that matter, about our record, our offense, how the team has progressed, or regressed, etc. The fact of the matter is that the football team is pretty much where everyone thought they'd be at this point. There were some that thought we might beat Air Force and in actuality we did have a shot at beating the Falcons. I don't think many though AFA would be as good as they are this year. As for the Cowboys, I think everyone can pretty much agree the Cowboys are where everyone thought they would be at this point.
Just for comparison sake, let's switch our schedule so far this year with Nebraska. The Huskers have played W. Kentucky, Idaho, at Washington and South Dakota State (are you kidding me), and a bye last Saturday. If we played that schedule we would in all likelihood be 3-1, possibly 4-0. Nebraska playing our schedule would probably be 3-2, maybe 2-3. Nebraska fans would be screaming bloody murder and Wyoming fans would be discussing whether or not we were as good as our record indicates.
I know, everyone will say but we didn't play Nebraska's schedule and they didn't play ours and we're not Nebraska which is correct. But I guess the point I'm trying to make is that we are winning the games we are supposed to -- some didn't even think we would beat Toledo -- which is all we can ask at this point. I don't think realistically anyone thought that we would finish any better than 6-6 or possibly even 5-7 with the schedule we are playing this year. Our three losses this year are against ranked teams. I realize Wyoming fans want success and they want it now, but I also think fans need to have realistic expectations. I'm not trying to make excuses, just looking at things from a realistic perspective.
I agree, were right on track for our expecatations this year record wise. I do understand the frustrations about the lack of offense because that is what we brough DC here for. I am frustrated about the offense but I am not suprised by our record, and we got to recognize we nearly beat a ranked opponent in AF.
Agree. And said the same thing last week after the AF game. We are where we should be, and about where I expected us to be. I think most people who are being honest with themselves are thinking the same thing.

That said, we still have a lot of improvement to make. I think the last five games of this season will be our real mark of how much we have improved or not. If we can manage to beat BYU at Provo (likely considering the way they're playing), I think it sets us up well for the end of the year. SDSU will be tough but winnable - especially in Laramie - and the rest of the games are all winnable. Win those and we end up 7-6, which is a great record considering the schedule we played.

Plus, I think the Wyoming schedules the past couple of years are the result of some bad luck. I don't know when the Boise contract was signed, maybe 5-6 years ago. Haven't we played them off and on over the past 4-5 years. I think when that contract was signed no one had any clue that BSU would be anything more than a good WAC team and definitely not the caliber of team they are now. As for Texas, if I remember correctly, that contract was originally with New Mexico State. The Aggies pulled out and to keep from having to pay a penalty helped broker the home-away-away contract with Texas. A schedule with Boise as the team they were 5-6 years ago and New Mexico State instead of Texas and DC is looking at a much more favorable schedule.
Cheywypoke said:
Plus, I think the Wyoming schedules the past couple of years are the result of some bad luck. I don't know when the Boise contract was signed, maybe 5-6 years ago. Haven't we played them off and on over the past 4-5 years. I think when that contract was signed no one had any clue that BSU would be anything more than a good WAC team and definitely not the caliber of team they are now. As for Texas, if I remember correctly, that contract was originally with New Mexico State. The Aggies pulled out and to keep from having to pay a penalty helped broker the home-away-away contract with Texas. A schedule with Boise as the team they were 5-6 years ago and New Mexico State instead of Texas and DC is looking at a much more favorable schedule.
Considering in 2006-2007 (our last OOC series with BSU) they squeaked by us in Laramie, and did slightly better in Boise.
2006- 17-10 BSU
2007- 24-14 BSU

Going off of that, well, I think that they thought we may have a better shot at them this year then that year, considering we held an offense in check that put almost 50 up on Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl in 2006.
fromolwyoming said:
Cheywypoke said:
Going off of that, well, I think that they thought we may have a better shot at them this year then that year, considering we held an offense in check that put almost 50 up on Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl in 2006.

To me, it appeared the team was flat and not really into the Boise game. Too many mistakes we normally don't make. I think the fact the team was dealing with the loss of Ruben didn't help.

I think we are on track. Need to see some improvement, but we can definitely make a bowl again this year. Just win Boys.
JimmyDimes said:
fromolwyoming said:
Cheywypoke said:
Going off of that, well, I think that they thought we may have a better shot at them this year then that year, considering we held an offense in check that put almost 50 up on Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl in 2006.

To me, it appeared the team was flat and not really into the Boise game. Too many mistakes we normally don't make. I think the fact the team was dealing with the loss of Ruben didn't help.

I think we are on track. Need to see some improvement, but we can definitely make a bowl again this year. Just win Boys.
I agree. The Texas game, they did alright (able to move the ball a bit), but then I think when they played Boise that the loss of Ruben actually sank in.
Here's a comparison. if we had SDSU's schedule. We would be sitting pretty as well. I think we would even play tough against Missou. And since that's where DC came from, who knows, maybe a victory. And instead of BYU having two weeks to prepare for us, we would have two weeks to prepare for them. So instead of everyone talking about how great SDSU is this year, we would be hearing how great WYO is and how we're on track. Again, as I stated in another thread, Would we rather be 2-3 playing against some greats, maybe even have chances to win? Or would we rather be 3-1 and loving it because we beat a bunch of cupcakes? SOS does matter, and if it came down to a 6-6 Wyo vs a 6-6 Sdsu for the last bowl bid,I think the bowl would be in favor of the Cowboys.
I;m sure I'll hear of how SDSU has better attendance and so on, but, the Cowboys have proven that they travel well. SDSU's last bowl? not many fans.
So fans, instead of griping (like a lot have done), be happy with the program and where it is going. Give it time for crying out loud! Sometimes I get on here a feel like the attitude is worse than Ramnation! And that is saying something.
Here's a comparison. if we had SDSU's schedule. We would be sitting pretty as well. I think we would even play tough against Missou. And since that's where DC came from, who knows, maybe a victory. And instead of BYU having two weeks to prepare for us, we would have two weeks to prepare for them. So instead of everyone talking about how great SDSU is this year, we would be hearing how great WYO is and how we're on track. Again, as I stated in another thread, Would we rather be 2-3 playing against some greats, maybe even have chances to win? Or would we rather be 3-1 and loving it because we beat a bunch of cupcakes? SOS does matter, and if it came down to a 6-6 Wyo vs a 6-6 Sdsu for the last bowl bid,I think the bowl would be in favor of the Cowboys.
I;m sure I'll hear of how SDSU has better attendance and so on, but, the Cowboys have proven that they travel well. SDSU's last bowl? not many fans.
So fans, instead of griping (like a lot have done), be happy with the program and where it is going. Give it time for crying out loud! Sometimes I get on here a feel like the attitude is worse than Ramnation! And that is saying something.

As far as bowl games between us and SDSU you may be right depending on the bowl game, but you also have to remember the Poinsettia bowl is played in SDSU stadium. My bet is as soon as they are bowl eligible the Poinsettia bowl has them wrapped up since they haven't been bowl eligible in years and they would bring more fans to their own stadium then other MWC schools. So if we are both 6-6, our harder schedule will have us staying home if no other bowl games are available, just like a few years ago with the New Mexico Bowl and UNM. Not to mention, if they are 7-5 they have to be taken before a 6-6 Wyo team based on the bowl game rules, so the extra OOC win may come into play.

However, if the Poinsettia bowl decides they would rather have an available AFA, or Utah, our better traveling fan base will probably give us the nod for the Armed Forces, Independence, or New Mexico Bowl over SDSU.

I personally would rather see our OOC schedule look like: A top ranked team, A recieving votes team, A team like Toledo thats good from a non-AQ conference, and a team like Baylor or Iowa State who is usually a bottom team of an AQ conference.

I like that schedule a lot better than 2 top ranked teams and an FCS team. I think a schedule like the above would still give us a good chance at more then 2 wins, but would not be full of cupcakes like SDSU.

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